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Essay Topics Moral Issues Such As Child Labor And Migration
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Priori Knowledge of Matters of Fact. Do animals acquire all their Term Paper
From the earlier Knowledge of Matters of Fact. Do creatures get all their insight into issues of truth and genuine presence from sense p - Term Paper Example In this sense, Hume views reason as an impulse both in people and creatures. My work limits to creature prevailing upon a couple of studies and correlations with human thinking. Creature activities rely upon two sorts of thinking: in view of understanding and senses. Thinking and experience The case about thinking capacity being basically unique in creatures and people was dismissed by Descartes by contending that creatures have reason, and finished up it with certain watched practices in creatures. He started with claims about human comprehension, showing some conduct in which creatures take after human, in this manner presuming that creatures should likewise take after people in their thinking (More, 1996). Hume then again differs to this request for contention the other way where unmistakably expresses that creatures gain from encounters. He refers to certain models ponies realize what statures they can securely jump, and pooches figure out how to fear seeing a whip (EHU 9.2-3; SB N 105). Progressively finished, creatures don't obviously use â€Å"any procedure of contention or reasoning†to make such derivations. Without a doubt, Hume says that it is â€Å"impossible†for them to do as such, due to their â€Å"imperfect understandings†(EHU 9.5; SBN 106). Thinking and impulses We have found in first kind of creature thinking that it nearly looks like the human thinking. In any case, this is very unique in the second sort of activity. Hume asserts that reason is itself a nature and this is made impossible to miss in the wake of thinking about the two kinds of impulses: the summed up subjective sense of reason which is the capacity to relate thoughts in different manners, and the specific intellectual impulses that involve information on specific issues of reality required for the animal’s endurance (Boyle, 2003). Hume refers to a guide to help the last kind of thinking when he says â€Å"a flying creature which picks the area and materials of her home and afterward sits on her eggs for the suitable measure of time†(EHU 9.6; SBN 108). Hume contends that such information comes â€Å"from the first hand of nature,†and that we call such information â€Å"instincts†(EHU 9.6; SBN 108). He additionally contends that despite the fact that people may wonder about such information, â€Å"their miracle will, maybe, stop or reduce, when they consider, that the test thinking itself, which they have in a similar manner as monsters, and on which the entire lead of life depends, is only a types of impulse or mechanical power†(EHU 9.6; SBN 108). Along these lines, Hume adheres to his contention that the particular impulses of creatures are don't vary from the capacity, both in people and creatures, to reason as per experience. It is faltering to imagine that people need senses by and large, they do likewise have impulses which are generally depicted in their interests, for example, thirst, hung er, love, hatred and connection to different people. They anyway once in a while use such impulses for endurance which is by all accounts the self evident reality with creatures that have a greater amount of these senses. As per Massey’s (1976), it is plainly an observational issue whether people or some other
Friday, August 21, 2020
Team sport refers to games or sports played
Group activities have been related with the improvement of youngsters as well as even grown-ups. In any case, a few pundits consider group activities as not constantly gainful to youngsters particularly when â€Å"winning†is underscored more than having a great time (Hedstrom and Gould, 2004). All things considered, the significance of group activities in pre-adult advancement is typically fixated on the versatile abilities related with pre-adult group activity athletes.Team sport alludes to games or sports played by gatherings of various groups, including explicit principles, to accomplish a particular objective through connection and aggregate exertion among individuals from the equivalent team.Although it likewise includes rules and the accomplishment of explicit targets, group activity is profoundly recognizable from singular games regarding the aggregate exertion required from its individuals. In contrast to singular games, group activities don't underline singular great ness. Instances of group activities include: soccer, b-ball, football, baseball, hockey and volleyball. Singular games include: tennis, swimming, boxing and combative techniques (Team sport, 2006).It is imperative to take note of that diverse group activities are not quite the same as one another regarding rules, which additionally makes every one unique in relation to another as far as the exercises in question and how victors are resolved. In darts for instance, the players and rivals don't really need to play simultaneously and at a similar board (Team sport, 2006).In this game, players are not required to play all the while yet likewise with all games, the score is the thing that issues and victors are controlled by the summation of scores of players of a similar group. Any game as long as it includes aggregate exertion among colleagues is viewed as a group activity. This precise nature of group activities is accepted to help in the improvement of its players.This paper expects to give a review of how group activities add to the advancement of the center school youthful. In this manner, standards on center school brain science are coordinated to all the more likely comprehend the relationship of group activities and development.The human condition, similar to the wild, includes so much clash, disorder and issues which may emerge by interrelationships between various variables that may or as a rule may not be constrained by man. Be that as it may, in contrast to the wild, whose occupants; primary objective is essential endurance, people are furnished with reason which managed them freedom.And with this opportunity lies the obligation and the prerequisite for the individuals to think inventively and all the more seriously, making endurance progressively complex for people. This can be seen in a wide range of settings in man’s social condition, for example, the home, school and the working environment. At the end of the day, the human condition is load ed up with pressure and it is significant for everybody to have the option to deal with it adequately (Sports and Teenagers: Can Parents Handle it Effectively? 2006).It is unthinkable for any one individual not to encounter worry in all his years. Stress is characteristic and omnipresent. An individual, regardless of how shielded and ensured he might be will encounter being worried sooner or later in his life.
Correctional system Essay Example for Free
Remedial framework Essay Does the traditionalist methodology or liberal methodology improve the restorative framework. If it's not too much trouble clarify and give a model Though preservationist approach has been censured enormously over its strength and activity over the most recent two decades, it despite everything structures the best methodology for wrongdoing control and remedial thought. Throughout the most recent two decades, the traditionalist zero resistance to wrongdoing has accomplished a ton by isolating the lawbreakers and adjusting them in separation. As per the example hypothesis, plainly once a criminal has been built up, it is extremely difficult to forestall last wrongdoing. Prominently, keeping the crooks in jails makes it feasible for the organization to assemble assets towards their revision easily. To add to that, it is a lot simpler to screen the hoodlums change progress. As indicated by the Oklahoma Board of Corrections, John Lilly Correction Centers crooks can pull together on their activities and consequently settle on lifetime choices to change. Likewise, the craving for vengeance by the annoyed decreases incredibly when the people who perpetrated wrongdoing are away from the network. Equity involves comprehensive assessment of the situation and the general re-assessment that the wrongdoer gets because of discipline from his/her activities. As indicated by criminal examiners, the nearness of a guilty party (like an attacker) can hamper the mental recuperation of the outraged. Despite the fact that this framework has been profoundly compelling in the midst of tremendous analysis, it has the accompanying weaknesses which ought to be routed to consummate it. With the criminal amendment framework occurring at isolated spots, there are high odds of minor guilty parties blending in with hard hoodlums which can make the formers to acclimatize the characteristics of last mentioned. In this way, they ought to be isolated and more noteworthy observation offered to guarantee consistence. To add to that, the methodology requires tremendous assets to keep up and impact the restorative measures to the immense detainees in the US prisons. To acquire from the dissidents, it is essential to guarantee an outward viewpoint of the restorative methodology as a method of setting up the detainees to return to the network after the remedial period (Byrne, 2005). 2: Does the therapeutic equity approach improve the criminal equity framework. If it's not too much trouble clarify and give a model As of late, criminal equity has taken various contemplations that show conceivable future changes in the general utilization of the equity framework. Therapeutic equity is an expansive term which alludes to regulation of serene ways to deal with tending to hurt, critical thinking, and infringement. This framework has helped improved criminal equity incredibly by bringing the two gatherings (guilty party and the insulted) to a similar table for compromise. Under this framework the guilty party looks for reparation straightforwardly or in a roundabout way from the annoyed. Remedial equity helps with tending to all the hidden issues that hold the annoyed hostage until equity is finished. During the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa after the harsh system of politically-sanctioned racial segregation, it was workable for the outraged to absolutely draw out their displeasure, misery, agony, and distress they experienced during politically-sanctioned racial segregation. As showed by Piagets hypothesis of self-improvement, what is in ones psyche continues for long until such a period, that the right stage for articulation is built up. Helpful equity along these lines gives individuals the right opportunities to pardon each other completely. As showed by the South Africa Truth and Reconciliation commission, it turns out to be a lot simpler to grow better connection between the guilty party and the outraged after the procedure. In antagonistic legitimate procedure and common prosecution forms, legal counselors rearrange lessen the issues between the wrongdoers and the outraged to just lawfully significant contemplations to secure their customers. Nonetheless, remedial equity is better in that all perspectives are tended to comprehensively and restoration solely embraced to upgrade later concurrence and advancement. Therapeutic equity thusly helps with accomplishing the right harmony between the privileges of the guilty parties and the requirements of the people in question. Additionally, it finds some kind of harmony between the requirement for recovery of the guilty parties and the fundamental obligation to shield people in general from such hoodlums. This framework ought to subsequently be urged because of its coextensively adequate standards at all levels (Jaimie, 2005). Q3: Does people group based remedial choices address wrongdoing control? If you don't mind clarify and give a model. Ostensibly, people group based remedy choices help with diminishing wrongdoing in the general public by guaranteeing that the lawbreakers are improved in a model that sets them up to be absorbed back to the general public. Though other amendment frameworks accentuation on the need to brutally get the guilty parties for them understand their slip-ups and change with time, this technique is viewed as a gentler alternative as it is situated in the network. To add to that, it gives more concentration to formative aptitudes achievement that help guilty parties plan for gainful lives after their adjustment time is finished. Oriana House is a network based remedy unit that works in Ohio and Akron. In this CBFS, crime wrongdoers are condemned to experience substance misuse treatment, work preparing, instructive administrations, and psychological aptitudes that can help them in the wake of finishing the network administration. The guilty parties normally get time to blend in with the network in different exercises and instructive projects. This framework diverts the focal point of a person to helpful deduction instead of ruinous arrangement that is accomplished by the preservationist approach. In any case, it has been scrutinized for neglecting to guarantee that severe measures are taken by the restorative framework (Curt Anne, 2008). About 5% of the individuals under the framework are probably going to recidivate back. Reference list Byrne, J. M. (2005). Wrongdoing Control Strategies and Community Change-Reforming The Surveillance versus Treatment Debate. Lowell: University of Massachusetts. Terse, R. Anne, B. (2008). Prologue to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application. New York: Sage. Jaimie, B. (2005). ‘Restoration or Renovation: Evaluating Restorative Justice Outcomes’. 12(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 12(1):185-200
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
7 Ways to Avoid Overdraft Fees
7 Ways to Avoid Overdraft Fees 7 Ways to Avoid Overdraft Fees 7 Ways to Avoid Overdraft FeesWhile there arent any ways to escape overdraft fees altogether (even if you opt out of overdraft protection) there are still many ways to keep them at bay.There are a lot of things you can do that will hurt your long-term financial outlook, like making weekly visits to the casino or investing in your cousin’s new business idea. (Uber for hot air balloons? Sure, Darryl.)But while racking up overdraft fees on your checking account is a bit more on the mundane side, it could end up doing just as much financial damage as any ill-timed family investment.Overdraft fees are most commonly created when people forget how much a bunch of small purchases can really add up,†said Shane Walker, Shane Walker, executive VP and CMO at ProActive FinTech LLC. A zip through the drive-thru, a stop for milk and bread, some gas in the tankâ€"and suddenly, the bank account is hovering just above zero. And you might not even realize it.â€With an average overdraft fee of $3 0, overspending your available funds is not a mistake you want to make. How a $15 meal can cost you $120.One of the dangerous things about overdraft fees is that they aren’t a one-time thing. Once you’ve overdrawn your accountâ€"and been hit with that initial feeâ€"every subsequent withdrawal or debit card purchase will result in a brand new charge.As a result, the bill can add up really fast.Licensed CPA Riley Adams (@TheRiles89) shared this story from his college of how overdraft fees took a few small financial mistakes and very nearly turned them into a major money headache:“I recall an unfortunate event with my brother going to McDonald’s after class. My brother didn’t want food when we got there so I ordered myself some food and incurred (without my knowing) an overdraft fee. That $5 combo meal turned into $40.“After my brother saw my food, he got hungry and wanted to order something as well. His $5 meal also cost me $40 when the fee was included. And if it wasn’ t bad enough, when we both finished, we ordered dessert.“You can guess what happened. Three overdraft fees plus $15 worth of food was outrageous.That’s awful! Luckily, Adams’ tale of overdraft fee-induced woe has a happy ending.“Fortunately, we contacted the bank explaining we didn’t know we were overdrafting because my direct deposit paycheck was delayed that week. After clearing this up, thankfully, they waived the fees, he explained.While calling your financial institution post-mistake is always a good idea, you shouldn’t make that your go-to overdraft avoidance strategy. In order to kiss these ridiculously expensive fees goodbye. we recommend you try one (or more!) of the following seven methods.1. Use an overdraft line of credit.Adams went on to say that he rectified the situation by adding an overdraft line of credit to his account to ward off future overdraft fees. This is a product that, in essence, loans your account to cover the overdrawn funds until you can de posit more money in your account.While you’ll owe interest on any funds that are drawn from this line of credit, the rates you’ll pay will be much lower than the corresponding rates for an overdraft fee. Adams’ $120 meal, for instance, carried an interest rate of 700 percent.“It turned out to be a much less costly way to bank than hoping not to get hit with overdraft fees. Many banks have begun to offer this service and I know I’m glad I have mine, he said.2. Link an emergency fund savings account.If you can save up a little bit of money, its a good idea to link up a savings account as a form of overdraft protection. While you’ll still incur a small charge for the transfer, you won’t have to pay any interest on the transferred funds.“Setup an emergency funds savings account,†said Pete Longo, VP of Digital Banking at Axiom Bank, N.A. (@axiombank). Do not make this your main long-term savings account but instead an account where you set aside some emergency funds each payday. Even a small amount such as $5 can build up with proper budgeting over time.“From here you can choose to link this account to your checking account for overdraft protection if your bank offers it. This will minimize or eliminate fees in the event of a mistake where overspending occurs.â€You’ll still want to take additional steps to avoid overdrawing your account, but this is a much better emergency fallback option than an overdraft fee. You’ll also want to make sure you keep that emergency fund well-stocked, otherwise, you’ll find yourself right back where you started.3. Make a budget.Of course, the best way to avoid overdrawing your account and incurring all those extra fees is to keep track of your money! And to do that, you’re first going to need a budget.“Create a budget at the beginning of the month,†advised money blogger Yaz Purnell of The Wallet Moth (@thewalletmoth). “Set aside money for your rent/mortgage, bills, transport, groceries, leisu re/hobbies, and any other monthly costs you incur. Simply having an idea of what money needs to go where is your first step to avoiding accidentally overdrawing your account.â€Not sure how to go about building a budget? No worries! Just check this OppLoans Guide for first-time budgeters, complete with a free budgeting spreadsheet to help you get started!4. Get a money tracker.Creating your first budget is a huge step in the right direction. But once you’ve got that in place, you’ll still need a way to keep track of your spending. That’s why Purnell recommends using a money tracking app.“There are so many free money trackers out there, from Mint to Yolt, that can be easily installed as an app on your phone to track your income and outgoings,†she said. “Download a money tracker and get into the habit of checking your outgoings on a daily basis so that you always have a good idea of how much you can afford.You might even have a money tracker right there in your checking account!“Many banks offer this to customers in their online or mobile banking, said Longo. “If your bank does not offer it and you do not want to switch banks than look into a free alternative by searching online for personal financial management.5. Set up bank notifications.Sometimes, folks will knowingly overdraw their account because they feel that they have no other choice but accept the fee. But many others simply don’t keep track of their checking account balance and incur overdraft fees on accident!A great way to avoid the latter is to set up notifications on that checking account that will alert you when your balance is getting low.“Utilize your bank’s real-time notification system in your online/mobile banking,†advised Longo. “Setup notifications to be sent to your smartphone or email when your checking account balance falls below a set balance (i.e $25).“This will give you a friendly warning when your funds might be a little too close for comfort and poten tially stop you from accidentally ‘overspending’.â€6. Use multiple bank accounts.If you’re like a lot of people, then you probably only have one checking account that you use for everything. But have you ever considered using multiple checking accounts for different expenses? Doing so could be the key to avoiding overdrafts.“For larger monthly bills, like your rent and electric, set up a separate bank account and regularly add money to it. Enough to cover those bills, on time, every month†said Walker. The key is to only pay your larger bills from that account, like your utilities and mortgage.“By keeping a separate account from your everyday spending, you arent dwindling down your balance with daily expenses. The money for those large bills is safe and ready when needed. The average household should have less than 10 payments going out of that account per month, making the math easy.â€In a similar fashion, Walker also recommended purchasing gift cards to use on your w eekly in place of a debit card.“Gift cards have a hard limit that cannot be exceeded and you cannot incur overdrafts on them,†he said. “You can get gift cards for gas, groceries, restaurants and more. They even have them for most major cell phone providers.â€7. Don’t opt-in. (And if you have, then opt-out.)In the end, there is only one way to avoid overdraft fees altogether … and even that option won’t work in certain circumstances!If you are already at a bank that you are comfortable with visiting a branch and discussing “opting-out†of overdraft privileges on your checking account’s debit card. This will make it so your debit card will simply be declined if at the point of sale and there are not enough funds available,†said Longo.But even opting out won’t work all the time.One thing many people do not understand is that even if you do not opt-in for overdraft, you can still get an overdraft fee,†said Adam Rust, Director of the consumer rights non-profit (@WiseWage).“The bank only allows you to opt-out of transactions where they can verify good funds prior to approval. If you write a check, they will charge you an overdraft fee and pay the bill or decline to pay and charge an insufficient funds fee.â€And make sure you keep track of your automatic bill and subscriptions!“Important reminder that your account can still be overdrawn in this scenario if you have recurring bills setups such as Netflix or a gym membership as opting out cannot prevent these preauthorized charges from coming through†warned Longo.Overdraft fees vs. bad credit loans.Bad credit loans are way more expensive than regular personal loans. And while the rates for some bad credit installment loans can be fairly reasonable, the annual rates for no credit check loans and short-term bad credit loans like payday loans, title loans, and cash advances can be beyond ridiculous.Even so, when compared to overdraft fees, the cost of those no credit c heck loans can seem downright reasonable.According to a 2014 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau study on overdraft fees, the average overdraft transaction was $24, the median overdraft fee was $34, and most of those fees were paid back within three days.To compare: If someone borrowed paid $34 to borrow $24 over three days with a no credit check loan, that would add up to an APR of 17,000 percent!While bad credit loans pale in comparison to the overdraft alternatives listed above, you might actually be better off using a bad credit installment loan to cover an unexpected bill or financial shortfall than you would be using overdraft fees.If youre living paycheck to paycheck, there simply isn’t a way to completely escape overdraft fees. Thats why your best solution is to stop living one pay period at a time. And that means building a budget and increasing your savings. To learn more about how you can take control of your financial future, check out these other posts and articles from OppLoans:How to Raise Your Credit Score by 100 PointsSave More Money with These 40 Expert Tips10 Good Money Habits to Make Your Friends JealousFrom Budget to Baller: 6 Tips to Grow Your MoneyDo you have a personal finance question youd like us to answer? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. | InstagramContributorsRiley Adams (@TheRiles89) is a licensed CPA in the state of Louisiana working as a Senior Financial Analyst for a Fortune 500 company in New Orleans. He has a personal finance blog dedicated to helping young professionals find financial independence at Longo is the Vice President of Digital Banking at Axiom Bank, N.A. (@axiombank), a Maitland-based, leading community bank. He has more than a decade of experience in banking, business development and financial software vendor management. Pete graduated with a degree in business management and an MBA from Stetson University.Yaz Purnell (@thewalletmoth) is the founder of The Wallet Moth, a personal finance blog that focuses on sustainable changes anyone can make to create your dream lifestyle.Adam Rust is the Director of Research at Reinvestment Partners (@ReinvestPartner) and the Director of (@WiseWage). He advocates for an inclusive financial system. WiseWage has enabled thousands of workers to manage their finances with safe and affordable accounts overdraft-fee-free accounts. At Reinvestment Partners, he has pursued campaigns related to payday lending, basic bank accounts, overdraft fees, high-cost credit insurance, and home mortgage lending. He is an Interim Board Member of the US Faster Payments Council.Shane Walker is the executive VP CMO at ProActive FinTech LLC. He gives people better control of their finances by digitizing the successful concept of the envelope system for budgeting. At ProActive Budget, theyve combined the modern convenience of a debit card with the proven budgeting system of using envelopes. It works because it requires a person to consult their budget before they spend. It changes the behavior of spending money.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Criticizing the Rankings †Not US News
Most prospective students place a great deal of importance on the ranking of universities during their application and decision process. However, an article in The Chronicle of Education (Ranking of Research Universities May Harm More Than Nebraska) looks at the dangers of relying too heavily on rankings.The recent removal of the University of Nebraska from the Association of American Universities rankings list reveals that the criteria used to create these rankings are quite narrow. The University of Nebraska feels that it was taken off the list after 102 years because, as Nebraskas chancellor, Harvey Perlman, explains, [the university] makes a commitment to agricultural research and lacks a medical school. These two facts do not score highly in the AAUs ranking system, highlighting the problem with this system in general: no procedure exists through which universities can be rated by the strength of all their programs. Medical and engineering programs may be cash cows, but they should not affect the rankings of a universitys other programs. The AAUs rating system is not the first to be criticized. For many years people have passed judgment on U.S. News World Reports list, Americas Best Colleges. The Bush Administration even attempted to create a more accurate college rating system, but failed completely.However, as J. Fredericks Volkwein, a retired professor of Education at Pennsylvania State University, noted, We are a society that loves to rate and rank people and know whos No. 1, [in fact] Its almost the nature of our competitive capitalist system. This same system is also what leads the membership list of the AAU to focus more on programs with high economic valuemoney is an important factor when it comes to rating American colleges. Yet, the opposite kind of ranking system also comes with its own problems and imperfections. Moshe Kam, president of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, suggested creating rankings using different kinds of data, such as numbers of publications, citations, patents, and awards. Yet, these measurements would leave out any information about federal grant money, which is an important part of the AAUs system. The bottom line: There is no perfect ranking system. Any attempt at trying to quantify a college experience or program will always leave out an important part of what makes the college special or unique. Therefore, it is important to dig much deeper before choose a college or graduate program. Yes, use the data in the rankings, but take the actual rankings with a large grain of salt and a heavy dose of skepticism. ~ Helping You Write Your Best
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay on Homers Odyssey as a Moral Epic - 2528 Words
A large number of the works of ancient poetry and literature have been said to carry a moral undertone. Homers Odyssey is no exception. This essay explores the moral positions that the poem seems to adopt. Subsequently, it will show that while the Odyssey is indeed a moral epic, the moral position of the main characters themselves, namely Odysseus and the Gods, can, at times, be questionable. Loyalty is one moral value that is evident throughout the poem. No character embodies loyalty more than Penelope who remains loyal and true to Odysseus throughout his absence, refusing to give in to the suitors proposal of marriage and not engaging in any extramarital affair. She constantly praises Odysseus with†¦show more content†¦The nobody trick and the way he and his men escapes the cave guarded by the blind Polyphemos illustrates this perfectly.5 It is also his mind that saves him and his men from death at the hands of Charybdis. Rather than lose the whole crew to Charybdis, Odysseus chooses to face Scylla, although he fails to save the six men the monster devours.6 It is also his intelligence that wins him Athenes favour.7 Intelligence is given more importance than physical attributes like strength and beauty. Penelopes intelligence, proven with the trick of Laertess death shroud to delay the suitors, is more important than her beauty, for it is that and n ot her beauty that keeps her from marrying the suitors. Penelopes intelligence is set against Helens superficiality, all beauty and not much brain. This can be said to be reflected in the gift she awards to Telemachos- a robe that is extremely beautiful, but somehow, rather useless.8 The Odyssey seems to portray the idea that obstacles and hardship arise out of moral weakness. Self-control is overwhelmingly important. Sufferings come about when a person gives in to temptation. A fine example of this is when Odysseus shouts out his real name to Polyphemos as his ship is leaving the land of the Cyclops.9 He gives in to the temptation of glory and recognition. He wants Polyphemos and everyone else to know that it is he, Odysseus,Show MoreRelatedHomer’S Two Tales, The Iliad And The Odyssey, Are Both1749 Words  | 7 PagesHomer’s two tales, the Iliad and the Odyssey, are both incredibly well known and widely taught across the world and at many different levels of education. Some call Homer the â€Å"greatest poet to ever live†and although this can be disputed his works truly speak for themselves and have braved the test of time quite well. 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