Monday, September 30, 2019
Narrative Methods Used in Part 1 of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Essay
Part one of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner opens with a third person omniscient narrator: ‘It is an ancient Marinere, And he stoppeth one of three. ’ This person represents Coleridge as he knows everything that is happening in the poem, and he is setting the scene for the rest of the lyrical ballad. Other people may take the view that the omniscient narrator represents God, as he is seen by religious people as the only person who can possibly be omniscient. This instantly injects elements of religion into the poem. The next stanza is narrated by the wedding guest, who speaks for the reader and voices the questions that the reader may have. He is confused as to why this odd-looking man has ‘stoppest’ him, which shows that the wedding guest doesn’t know who the man is. This leaves the wedding guest just as clueless as the reader themselves at that moment. The mariner speaks for the first time in the third stanza, beginning his tale with ‘there was a ship. ’ The mariner is responsible for telling the embedded narrative, which is an element of the Gothic. The mariner then takes over the story, telling his tale within the tale. The ballad is structured in Quatrains for all of Part 1, but this changes to symbolise a change in the narrative. Stanzas six and eleven end in the same line: ‘The bright-eyed Marinere. ’ The seventh Stanza is reversed at the end of the poem to show when he is going away from the familiar and when he is returning to it. The genre of this piece is a Lyrical Ballad, with elements of Romance and the Gothic. It draws on elements of the Romantic by its recurring themes of nature, extremes of emotion and religion. It also draws on elements of the Gothic as it includes religious imagery, bad weather and supernatural themes. The ballad is set at a wedding in reality, but the embedded narrative in Part 1 is set in the land of ‘mist and snow. ’ This represents the isolation of the Mariner as he strays away not only from land and equilibrium but also from God. This distance from God is physical, as it points out that he left the ‘Kirk,’ ‘the hill’ and ‘the light-house top’ representing him moving away from where God is, but also mental because the Marnier commits a great misdeed: ‘with my cross I shot the Albatross’ and it is almost as if he and God are not at peace any more. There are connotations of the Mariner’s tale happening a long time ago as he uses archaic lexis in his version of events, such as ‘Kirk’ for Church, ‘thee,’ ‘thou,’ and ‘thus. ’ Coleridge begins the poem with ‘It is an ancyent Marinere,’ the language used shows that the Mariner is a strange being as he is referred to as ‘it’ rather than ‘he. ’ The lexis used is archaic as both ‘ancyent’ and ‘Marinere’ are non-standard spellings. Although the wedding guest uses quite outdated terms, we can tell that the Mariner is older than him because his vocabulary predates to Coleridge’s times. Part 1 of this ballad uses internal and alternate rhymes throughout to create a flow of events. The Mariner tells the wedding guest twice ‘there was a ship’ in stanzas three and four which shows that the Mariner is persistent, but the reader does not know why he is so eager (we later find out that he had to tell this tale to the wedding guest). The wedding guest starts to become aggressive at the Mariner’s persistence, telling him ‘Now get thee hence, thou grey-beard Loon! Or my Staff shall make thee skip. This illustrates the wedding guest’s ignorance, and reflects what the reader would probably do if they were in that situation. The Mariner is described as being almost wizard-like in appearance with his ‘skinny hand,’ ‘grey beard,’ and ‘glittering eye’ which could be taken as being quite supernatural; an element of the Gothic. The Sun is mentioned throughout the poem as a motif for God, and is personified as ‘he. ’ The Sun is present a lot before the Mariner shoots the Albatross but is a less prominent character afterward, showing that God is displeased with the Mariner. Coleridge uses Pathetic Fallacy to show the Mariner’s mood, by showing the ‘Storm and Wind, A Wind and Tempest strong! ’ This is also an element of the Gothic. Coleridge also uses a similie to describe the ice: ‘As green as Emerauld. ’ The colour depicted is very natural, which is an element of Romance and the word ‘ice’ is repeated many times throughout to show the reader that the Mariner is literally surrounded by ice, representing his desolation. The ice ‘crack’d and growl’d and roar’d and howl’d,’ which personifies the ice using animal imagery. This shows the unforgiving and harsh nature of the ice, which the Mariner is encapsulated by. The Albatross is a symbolic religious symbol, and religion is referenced throughout Part 1, showing Coleridge’s personal views and depicting elements of the Romantic and Gothic. The moon is used as a motif for change and is only introduced moments before the Mariner shoots the Albatross, which could be taken as foreshadowing.
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Saturday, September 28, 2019
Personal Reflection Paper Essay
I have learned a lot of important information throughout this course of Critical and Creative Thinking. I have learned mainly what critical thinking is and how it works. I think that it is important to be a critical thinker. I am going to share with you some information that I learned during this course that helped me use critical thinking more effectively. Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally. When you use critical thinking you can examine and analyze questions, issues, situations, and information of all kinds. It is important to use critical thinking because it helps you evaluate all decisions. When you are using critical thinking you are using different combinations of skills. By using critical thinking, it helps you gain a better understanding, concentrate, and deal with frustrations that are blocking your thinking. There are six different stages of critical thinking. These stages are the unreflective thinker, challenged thinker, beginner thinker, practicing thinker, and advanced thinker. It is important to know what stage you are at. By knowing what stage you are at it will help you distinguish what you need to do in order to move to the next stage. In the beginning of this course I placed myself as a stage one thinker, the unreflective thinker. I placed myself here because I was deceiving myself about the effectiveness of my thinking. I always thought that my thinking was fine. I had not identified the problems that were affecting my thinking. Since taking this course I would have to identify myself as the practicing thinker. I know that I am still not where I need to be but I am continuing to push myself to practice. I have realized that practice is a must and I am not giving up. In order to move to the next stage, the advanced thinker, I have got to see that practicing has made me a better thinker. I also have to keep at practicing even when I get tired of practicing and lose my motivation. One important thing that I learned during this course is the difference between an issue and a problem. A problem is a situation that you regard as unacceptable, and an issue is a matter in which people disagree on to some extent. I always looked at everything as a problem. It is important to distinguish between the two so that you know how to approach it and solve it. You have to use your critical thinking in order to identify the problem or issue and know how to come up with a solution. To solve a problem you have to figure out what action to take that is the best way to change the situation. When you are resolving an issue you have to decide what viewpoint is more reasonable. I also learned three key strategies that can help stimulate my imagination. These three key strategies are use free association, visualize the solution, and construct pro and con arguments. There are other strategies but these are the three that best suite me. It is important to use imagination because it helps you to be more open minded. In order to be a critical thinker you have to be open minded. By being open minded it helps you to look at all possibilities. It also helps you considered other people’s thoughts and opinions. It is always important to consider other people’s ideas and opinions because there is always room for improvement. I had to realize that I am not always right and that I do not know everything in order to be more open minded. I have learned a lot in this course as you can see. This is just a summary of what all I have learned. I think this course will help me be a more effective writer and thinker. I am going to keep on practicing until I reach the stage of master thinker. Even when I have reached that final stage I am going to continue to practice and use critical thinking. As we learned in this course, â€Å"We can always use room for improvement.†I think that this course is an important course to help you be able to succeed. I have really enjoyed this class and I have learned a lot. References: The Art of Thinking: A guide to Critical and Creative thought, Tenth Edition, By Vincent Ryan Ruggiero
Friday, September 27, 2019
Gun control should be enforeced Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Gun control should be enforeced - Essay Example This amendment was based on and greatly influenced by the right to keep and bear arms that was exemplified in the English common-law. In recent times the Second Amendment has been subject to renewed judicial and academic interest. In the District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) court case, the court ruled out expressly that the amendment protects individuals to keep fire arms. When initially adopted in 1791, the Second Amendment aimed to protect and promote the safety of American citizens. In the experiences prior to the constitution, the early English settlers in the United States viewed the rights to keep and bear arms as important for reasons such as: It served to enable people to form organised militias, it was viewed to help people to participate in law enforcement, it was presumed to repel invasion and generally facilitating the natural right to self-defence. Over the years, there have been numerous debates and arguments as to whether people should own guns and the reasons support ing each argument. There have been several reasons proposed as t why Americans should own guns but there are a few major reasons that really make a difference. The core reason as to why Americans should own guns is for protection and safety purposes. ... B. National Rifle Association The National Rifle Association (NRA) was formed in 1871 with the aim of promoting firearm competency, safety and ownership. It also catered for police training in the use of firearms, marksmanship and self-defence programs in the United States (National Rifle Association, 1989). In essence, the NRA is one of the largest endorsing organisations for firearm possession and safety in the fields involving police training, recreational use and child firearm safety. The National Rifle Association also supports gun rights in the United States. Though there have been different reactions as pertains to the NRA supporting gun rights; it does so in a bid to ensure that American citizens can feel ‘safe’ and protected when they carry or possess a firearm but the use of them being regulated subject to standard conditions. The NRA believe that by creating and developing a standard to which both manufacturers retailers and civilians who possess guns can adhe re to, the safety standards of the individual Americans would improve. II. Gun Control does not violate the Constitution A. The differences between 17th and 21st Century Every individual in the society has a personal opinion as pertains to gun ownership and control. The society as a whole as evolved from the 17th century to date in terms of the perception of gun control. In the 17th century, there was no a clear guidance or regulation in place to govern and control the use of fire arms and the constitution did not provide for the possession of fire arms. During this period, not many civilians owned fire arms and hence it was not a pertinent need as compared to the current trends. In the 21st century, the presence of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Consideration in English Law is Required in Every Contract Essay
Consideration in English Law is Required in Every Contract - Essay Example This essay will look into English law of contracts in relation to consideration. Overview Consideration can be described as the price to which a promise is given in return for something else. In most cases, promises need not to be in terms of money but in many other forms. According to the law of English contracts, if an agreement or a promise is not supported by consideration then it is considered nudum pactum (a bare promise) and it is not enforceable by law. The English contracts laws have traditionally had the clause of consideration for the contract to be accepted as. For instance, in large or valuable transactions, the law requires that all parties bring something of value â€Å"consideration†for a contract to be legally binding. This law of consideration was designed to ensure that all parties are given fair treatments or equal standing in the formation of contracts (Jenks, 2010). This clause is important especially in cases where issues arise after the formation of a contract. Consideration law can be used is solving changes to the contract law in cases such as in debugging the equitable doctrine of promissory estoppels. This is the case whereby earlier terms or agreements cannot be enforced in the solution of cases. Consideration is regarded as an agreement that had the intentions of the terms to be legally binding. Consideration can be anything that is sufficient in that it can be weighted and decided to have economic value (Cruz, 2008). English courts make use of consideration in deciding whether promises or contracts are legal or enforceable. A consideration cannot be drawn in the past unless there are express terms of a request by either of the parties. Several cases have presented difficult situations for solution of cases such as part payment of debts or undertaking duties currently obligated. This was evident in the case of Williams vs. Roffey where the court decided that the contract was legal since the duties undertaken by Williams wen t beyond his legally obligated duties (Chitty, 2006). Considerations are important in English law in that they are used in making sure that the terms of the contract can be enforceable. This is especially true in cases or contracts that are supposed to be enforced in the future. But the most used form of the term consideration in contracts is when there is a direct exchange of goods for money or goods for goods. Consideration in contracts is normally enforceable and practised practically when something has been given or promised in exchange for something else. A promise in English law is a contract if a promise or consideration is attached to the promise (Atkins, 1999). For instance, if you promise to pay or buy someone a gift who have to write it down or make a deed. In the case of Currie vs. Misa of 1875, consideration in the sense of law consists of interest, benefit or profit accruing to one person and detriment or loss of responsibility to be undertaken by the other party. The understanding and execution of these contracts are quite simple. In some cases the execution or implementation of the law of contracts is difficult as in the case of Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co Ltd vs. Selfridge & Co Ltd of 1915, whereby consideration was difficult to enforce. In such as case, there was exchange of promises where neither of them was enforced. The making of the
The Future of India's Economy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
The Future of India's Economy - Research Paper Example Most countries in the western world are facing declining proportion of working-age population due to aging; however, there is not going to be much change in the proportion of a working-age population of India in the years ahead. Aging population proportion is increasing every year across most developed economies and reasons attributed to the phenomenon are a reduction in fertility rates and gains in overall longevity of men and women. Only India and South Africa will have a higher share of the working-age population. In 2011, the working-age population in India, age 15-64, is estimated at nearly 65 % of the total population that will increase further to around 68% in 2030. Though it will decline slightly in 2060 in proportion to the total population, it will still be higher in percentage terms when compared with its level of 2011. This is important because most of the developed economies including Japan, the US, and China, the proportion of this working class would have reduced to le ss than 60 percent (Johansson et al. p14). From the table, it is amply clear that its annual population growth rate would be even lower than the US; however, it will be higher than China, which shows a negative growth rate in 2060. By 2060, India will be the top country in terms of population in the world. Crude death rate per thousand will be lesser than the US and China perhaps due to a relatively younger population in comparison to these countries. The infant mortality rate is an important indicator of health policies that prevail in the country, and on that count, it will still remain significantly higher than both the countries in comparison. Life expectancy for male and female both would have reached at the decent levels by then.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
International Management Group and Competitors of IMG Research Paper
International Management Group and Competitors of IMG - Research Paper Example Along with the global giant's several local industries to contribute to the growth of the sports industry worldwide. A few sports goods manufacturers of the world are like Puma, Slazenger, Stiga, Dunlop, and Yonex. The estimated size of the entire sports industry in 2010 is expected at $414 billion (Plunkett Research Ltd., â€Å"Sports Industry Overview†). The competitors of IMG are Interpublic, Clear Channel Entertainment (formerly known as SFX), William Morris Agency, Creative Artist Agency, Magnum Sports and Entertainment, Nike, WPP group, Dentsu, TBA Entertainment, Ford models and Pro Form Golf. The overall areas on which the competitor companies are mainly engaged are like athletes, models, authors, speakers, artists, actors, events, television production, consulting/ licensing, film production, money management, advertising, and academies. Clear channel and Interpublic focuses on a number of areas except for television production, money management, and academies. William Morris Agency focuses only in the areas like authors, speakers, artists, actors, and athletes. Magnum Sports focus on athletes, models, and events. Nike’s focus is only on athletes and events. WPP and Dentsu focus only on academics and licensing/consulting. TBA focuses on speakers, actors, events, television products and advertising. Ford concentrates on the athletes only. One of the competitors ProForm Golf is involved only in the area of academics. The vision of the firm, the association of a number of renowned athletes, and the goodwill of the founder may be said to be a few of the competitive advantages of the firm. In 2000, the market value of American sports was approximately $200 billion, which made it country’s 11th largest industry. IMG in turn was credited with having invented the field of sports management almost 40 years earlier. At present IMG represents a number of the most talented and exciting athletes, including golf star Tiger Woods and tennis players like Venus and Serena Williams. Mark Hume McCormack was declared as the most powerful man in golf by Golf Magazine, Sports Illustrated labeled him as the most powerful man in sports and Tennis magazine figured him as the most powerful man in tennis.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Air Transport Management and Operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Air Transport Management and Operations - Essay Example Security measures play not the last role in promoting effective organisational performance in airlines, and it is more than important to reconsider how organisation theory and the basic security/ safety measures work for the benefit of successful airline/ airport performance. Organisation theory and its principles create preconditions necessary for airport and airline operators to succeed in their operations: management in general and aviation management, in particular, makes it possible for operators to achieve their business goals in an effective and efficient manner (Daft & Marcic 2008). More often than not, management becomes important because it provides organisations in the aviation industry with an opportunity to integrate the existing management functions and capabilities with their basic operations and to balance their goals and objectives with limited resources. The four elements of successful management comprise functions, roles, skills, and ideas. These elements should be reconsidered in the context of airport and airline management. Functions in management usually refer to what managers are expected to do and do to help their organisations achieve the major goals and objectives; â€Å"the four basic management functions include planning, organizing, leading, and controlling†(Pride, Hughes & Kapoor 2009). Planning is often referred to as the first and the basic function in management and implies that to succeed in their performance, organisations should establish their goals, mission, objectives; it would be fair to say that everything in organisations depends on planning and its effectiveness. This management function works to help airline and airport operators establish plans (e.g., flight schedules), without which accomplishing goals and objectives becomes virtually impossible. Organisations can use both strategic and
Monday, September 23, 2019
Ethnic conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethnic conflict - Essay Example Fractionalization and polarization are two specific channels of ethnic division that jointly influence social conflict. Polarization influences social conflict more when winners attain a public prize, for example, political power. On the other hand, when prizes are of a private nature, for example infrastructure, government subsidies, or looted resources, ethnic fractionalization is more influential to social conflict (Ganguly 13). The research paper will seek to use recent theoretical research to provide evidence that social conflict is influenced by pre-existing ethnic tension and differences. Ethnicity, by itself, does not cause violent social conflict with most ethnic groups pursuing similar interests peaceful most of the time, despite inter-ethnic differences. The main causes of ethnic conflict, Ganguly (43) portends, are based on the domestic and systemic level of analysis. The systemic approach contends that ethnic conflict is dependent on the nature of security systems that the different ethnic sides operate, as well as their concerns about their security. The first systemic prerequisite is that more than one group lives live in close proximity. The second one is that international, regional, and national authorities are unable to prevent fighting among the different ethnic groups, as well as assure individual ethnic groups of their security. If anarchy prevails in a specific system, it becomes essential for the groups to defend themselves, especially if none of them can absorb the other culturally, economically, or politically (Ganguly 44). Security concerns become a paramount distress when collective fears about the capability of the state to arbitrate between different ethnic groups. In this case, some of the involved groups mobilize and deploy military resources, as the other group seeks to diminish the first group’s security, with most groups unaware of their actions’ impact on
Sunday, September 22, 2019
English as Official Language Debate Essay Example for Free
English as Official Language Debate Essay The United States is a nation founded by immigrants. Throughout the years the US has struggled with discrimination and close-mindedness. But, when we put our differences aside we can achieve the impossible. We are a country united by our differences. We celebrate our diversity, independence and individuality. We are a country that believes in choice, and one of those choices should be the option to speak the language which we relate to and understand. It was our forefather’s ambition that got us to the Land of The Free and our determination that made us successful. So how can we say we stand for freedom if we don’t give our people, immigrants (illegal or not), the right to speak their language? We are a country for the people, but not all of our people speak English. Many Americans argue that those who live in America should speak English but think about this: English is the sum of many other languages. The British brought English to America and forced the Native Americans to convert to their language and their ways. In modern society, we cringe at the idea of oppression and encourage those who are oppressed to speak out for themselves, yet turn a blind eye when we are the oppressors. A parallel can be drawn with bullying. It is an issue that many children, teens, and adults experience. Bullying has been an active topic in the media in recent years. Teachers, parents and authoritative figures continue to urge those who are bullied or have witnessed an act of bullying to stand up for themselves and get help. Thus, America is not only being hypocritical and ignorant, but it is also being a bully by forcing other’s to speak â€Å"our†language. We are oppressing their beliefs. We are telling them that they must speak our language if they want to be American; they must speak our language if they want to be successful. Understandingly, those who come to America should be educated in our history and be required to pass a citizenship test. But speaking English does not make one an American. A citizen is not inferior because he/she cannot speak English. Americans today are born with this innate sense of superiority. Yet, over the years we have overcome most of our selfish and antiquated ways and this is just another obstacle which we must surmount. We cannot force a diverse group of people to speak one language when our nation consists of so many. We cannot force a language upon our people without oppressing those people. Making English the official language would make us hypocrites and bullies. Therefore, English should not be the official language of the United States.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
IT Professional: Legal, Ethical and Professional Principles
IT Professional: Legal, Ethical and Professional Principles VISHALDEEP Assessment Task Scenario   Aroha Memorial Headstones Inc. is a local manufacturer of personalized memorials and headstones Auckland and Nation-wide. This is a family owned and operated business offering dependable quality, value and service. Their clients mostly come from Northland, Waikato, the Bay of Plenty areas and the pacific islands. Arohas office at Manure WA has five computers, a server and two printers. They design the memorials using special software and then pass it on to their production factory at Papa Kura. As the business is growing, Aroha now requires a website to do their trading online. They intend to sell personalized headstones through their website to customers throughout the world. They also intend to establish branches in various cities in the North Island and a web portal to link all these branches. You are now hired as a graduate IT professional at Aroha to manage their computer networks and IT demands. You are also required to create a website to meet their business requirement in 3 months time. You need to have constant formal meetings with Mr. John Salesa, Managing Director of the company, Ms. Pania Palmers, Head of Operations and Mr. Abraham Watsons, Head of Productions while you are developing the website for their inputs and requirements. Your responsibilities for this role are: Computer network support IT services management Customer Services ( Face-to-face and Over the phone) Database maintenance and backup Website design and development Website maintenance after it is up and running You are a member of Information Technology Professionals (ITP) NZ (previously called IITP NZ) and follow their code of conducts while working as an emerging IT professional. Section 1- Professionalism, Social Responsibility and Ethics 1. Identify the criteria for professionalism in NZ computer industry as identified by the Information Technology Professionals (ITP) NZ. Elaborate in brief. 2. How do ethics play a key role in your professional behavior as an IT graduate? 3. Summarise all tenets of the ITP NZ Code of Professional Conduct. 4. Identify various that ethical dilemmas may arise for you while working at Aroha, while following the various tenets of code of professional conduct. 5. How can you be socially responsible computer professional at Aroha while still working for the financial benefits and growth of the company? Provide some examples. Working as an IT professional in Aroha I have to take responsibility of the financial and for the growth of the company, as well as I have to act on various social responsibilities for the welfare. As being an IT professional I must establish the quality of product which we make and also its my duty to look after the company and its cost of production .instead of having responsibility we must educate the people . By doing this , we can be socially responsible financially as well as for company. THE IT professional can instruct as to public policies with the help of technical knowledge . The IT professionals have the duty to give service for the people from different walks of life in the society Such as irrespective of gender, age, culture ,discrimination and disability . Accessibility is one of the most important rules that an IT professional act upon. It implies on the availability when required. I would like to present an example an old guy came to buy an computer he asked an IT professional to give pc he knows nothing about the pc as he said he is not a computer guy but he want pc with good features now it depends on the seller that he will sell expensive pc for the benefit of the company or sell pc with good features which suits the buyer as well as also contribute for the growth of company. 6. How can you provide equity and accessibility for customers and staff with diverse cultural backgrounds, age, literacy level, disabilities and sexual orientations while working as an IT professional at Aroha? Provide some examples. As being an IT professional of Aroha I have the commitment to provide equity and accessibility to the People from all walks of life particularly the employers and customers in the society with different cultural background , age , literacy level, disabilities and sexual orientations. The people with these drawbacks must obtain the services which is given to other people . sadly they are not capable to the same services just because of their disability. I should be equitable to the different cultural values, age, level of literacy, disability and sexual orientation By giving them importance and fulfilling their requirements and needs. Accessibility relates to equity .the meaning of accessibility is being available to the needy people . so working as an IT professional its our responsibility to fulfil the requirements of needy people who dont get the Same services as other people get because of their disability. For example: the people who are blind and cant read its my responsibility to for hearing them and support their needs and expectations. Section 2 Privacy and Security Issues 7. Your responsibilities in Aroha includes providing network support, managing IT services, customer support, managing database and having regular backups along with the project of website design and development for initial 3 months time. Why do you think privacy and security issues will be vital while working as an IT professional at Aroha? Working as an IT professional in Aroha as a network support, IT services, customer support and service Back up of data and how to design the websites within three months I consider that security and privacy issues are indispensable priority. When I am employed in in these jobs there are opportunities for operating data of customers. In workplace I am genuine to the customers for not checking the data and it must be secured. It is our responsibility to maintain the privacy and security of customers data. Under the privacy Act 1993 New Zealand government legislation the IT professionals have important duty to keep the customers data safe and securely. Security is important for storage of data ,design of website and development .the data should be secured from the hackers . Section 3 Relevant Government Legislations 8. Identify the relevant government legislations (Act) for the following issues. Outline the purpose of the legislation of the and the implications relevant legislation for you as an IT professional while working in Aroha. Cite examples where necessary. Issues Relevant Act identification General purpose of the legislation (Act) Implication for you Privacy Privacy act 1993 The purpose of thisact is to promote and secure the privacy of individual ,To investigate the complaints of the customers privacy .and to disclose the information It handles the personal data of the customers and its our duty to protect it in safe location, so on one cannot misuse it. Resource Management Resource management Act 1991 The purpose of this act is to promote the sustainable management of physical and natural resources Safe guarding the life by using natural resources like air ,water and soil Office information Official information Act 1982 The official information approach is designed to promote asses to information held by various government agencies People living in NZ got right to get the Personal information from the administration of rules and regulations. This act made the official information Clear to the public. Copyrights Copyright Act 1994 No one copy our material like literacy ,musical films, sound And video It is administered by interested property policy unit of the ministry of economic Development. According to copyright Act, while working as employee at Aroha headstone company, It is not in the rule to copy the same way that revealed in other headstone companies Website. Consumer rights Consumer guarantees Act 1993 The consumer guarantee act protects consumers by making replacements ,repair and refund We set minimum standards to provide best service to consumers as they want. And must have right to secure the interest of consumer who make a visit to company Health and safety 1992 To secure people from harm at work by taking The safety measurements At work place Hygiene in workplace which is important for us and comfortable of customers Section 4 Treaty of Waitangi 9. Study the student workbook on the Treaty of Waitangi and discuss the implications for you as an IT professional for each of the following treaty principles. i) Partnership ii) Participation Iii) Protection Again, you need to think about the various responsibilities you have been given at Aroha and try to find out some examples how you can incorporate the principles of the treaty while working at Aroha. 1. Partnership As an employee of aroha the treaty concept of partnership outfits the learning and ability of the assorted individuals who can add to IT, including families and other IT individuals. As an IT professional I must Work together with Maori and non-Maori, transform, implement, review policies, practices and methods Working collaboratively with those community will increase to share power, control, and for making decision And help to understand handout that Maori make in IT industry. It is also a good chance to have knowledge about their heritage culture and tradition, language, treasures of maori and other community . If we know all those things it will be very easy to mix with them And the mistakes we commit in a new community will be reduced. 2. Participation It means communication of chance and results. As an IT professionals and bodies administering IT talented need to understand how to take part and contribute as dynamic subjects through chances to investigate and value the rich and diverse, language , and legacies that shape their ways of life as new Zealanders.   IT professionals must practice informed civic participation. Participation also underscores positive Maori association at all levels of IT industry to understand this standard, the desires and representation of maori people group are obvious in arranging and executing IT arrangements and strategies. 3. Protection As being an IT profession who has been working in new Zealand myself is being grateful for protecting the maori peoples heritage , interests, values, and other tongs . Identity, language and culture are most important expressions to be a socially mindful for IT professionals. IT professional ought to consider on important issue of culture checks by having an assurity of knowing , respecting and esteeming where different partners are the place they came from and expanding on what they carry with them. As a component of their making personalities , IT professionals and bodies representing IT professionals in new Zealand need to see newzealands exceptional bicultural legacy. Last but not least , all IT professional must know the maori and having the knowledge and experience of significant maori customs and tradition and their valuables for the well being of foreign professionals in new Zealand. Reference: 2
Friday, September 20, 2019
Impacts of Stress on the Well Being of Undergraduate Nurses
Impacts of Stress on the Well Being of Undergraduate Nurses Sanober Fazal Introduction Every person in this world is surrounded by different kinds of stresses. (Kohler et al., 2006) as cited in (Martos et al., 2012) â€Å"stress refers to a dynamic interaction between the individual and the environment. In this interaction, demands, limitations, and opportunities related to work may be perceived as threatening to surpass the individual’s resources and skill†. Stress in my point of view is a pressure which effects our mind and unable us to do our daily activities properly. It affects our mental, psychological, physical and emotional health. According to (Manney, Mk, Paul, Shashidhar, 2011) students are more porne to stress and it negatively effects on their mental health, educational success, self-grooming and effect on future. The same authors stated medical education as stressful. There are many factors which causes stress and that compromise the well-being of student nurses which will be discuss later in this paper.(O’Donnell ,2009) stated that many nursing student left the program due to unbearable stress. The rational for choosing this topic is that it’s my own observation and experience that stress is higher in undergraduate nurses. They are always over burden with assignments, regular papers as well as classes, clinical and, group works. All the time they have to sit in front of laptops or books. They have less time for themselves as well as for their families and friends. Other than this many undergraduate nurses end up with mental distress, many tried to do suicidal attempts and many withdraw the nursing career. Stress is the hurdle in the well-being of students, it affects negatively on their academics and social life. Many theories have been proposed for the better understanding of stress. According to (Cannon, 1929) as cites in (Davidyan, 2008), he talked about response theory. According to him our body works on basic principle of equilibrium (homeostasis). If the external stimulus is strong and body cannot cope with it than it really disturb the normal mechanism of body and causes stress. If the person handle the situation properly than it will be called a balance condition. Another theory given by (Hans selye, 1956) as cited in same article which describe a theory of general reaction of individual to different stressors. He discussed about three stages: Alarm reaction, resistance and exhaustion. In alarm reaction there is a condition of fight and flight and organism try to control the situation by physiological responses. After which resistance stage occurs. Here body builds resistance against stressor. Last stage is exhaustion where all the energy is lost, no further resistance exists and indi vidual ends in chronic stress. It indicates that a person should response appropriately in every stage to prevent complications of stress. Unfortunately, the prevalence of stress in Pakistani students is very high especially in nursing students. In Pakistan the image of nursing profession is very bad. There is no respect for this noble profession therefore, very little researches and studies has been done on it. According to Khowaja (2009) Pakistan is a discriminating society and there is no value of nursing that’s why there are always issues. A study was done on the prevalence of stress by Kumar and Nancy (2011) in Punjab, Pakistan. According to the study, out of 180 undergraduate nurses, 34.4 % had moderate stress, 32.8 % had mild and maximum stress respectively. Another study was carried in CMH College Lahore on 200 students. The result showed that the mean stress was 30.87, nearly same with result of Punjab college students. It indicates high level of stress in Pakistani nursing students. What Are the Factors of Stress in Undergraduate Nurses? There are many factors of stress among undergraduate nurses. For example they have to do lots of assignment, hard work, GPA, frequent exams, clinical both supervised and unsupervised. Moreover, the other factors which lead to stress are fear of faculty, staff, patient and their different disease status, lack of proper guidance and self-awareness. As an undergraduate nurse it’s my own experience and observation that both the supervised and unsupervised clinical are more stressful because students are expected to do many assignment and skills at the same time. Undergraduate nurses have to do assignment given by their faculty, by staff nurse and they have to give holistic care to patients. They are supposed to take care of severe patients with infectious disease and with aggressive behavior which cause stress in student nurses. Many of these factors were also mentioned in literature. Reevea et al., (2013) also highlighted clinical assignment as one of the factor of stress. It is more time consuming and students become socially isolated. The other cause of stress mentioned in the same articles is neglection from patients and from their attaindance, from staff nurse and other health care professionals. According to Abbey et al., (2011) issues from surrounding society, educational, and financial can also lead to stress. In an article written by somani khowaja (2012) it was mentioned that in Pakistani society work place violence and lower status of nursing profession is also a cause of stress in nurses. Patients and their relatives think this profession is not good and always try to abuse them. Magnavita and heponiemi (2011) mentioned physical and verbal violence as source of stress in nursing students during their clinical placement. Furthermore, international nursing review (2012) three main types of stressors are mentioned: (1) clinical stressors which include anxiety of not achieving expectations and communication gap between patients and hospital members. (2) Academic stressors. For example ongoing assessment and quizzes, not passing the programme and hectic timetable. (3) Personal/ social stressors which means financial issues and issues in home and school works. A cross sectional study was done in Pakistan’s shifa nursing college by Shomail and Faisal (2012). In this study total 78 nursing students participated. The findings of study on score of stress level in different factors were as follow, theory = 2.37, clinical experience =3.5, college environment= 2.39, social environment=251. In my opinion these factors of stress bring tremendous alteration in an individual’s health. What Are Implications of Stress in Undergraduate Nurses? According to labrague (2013), stress has adverse outcomes not only on physical, psychological and social health but as whole well-being. (Shirom, 2003) as cited in (Martos et al., 2012), stress lead to physical, psychological and behavioral impairment in an individual. I have seen many people with stress who cannot sleep without medications and they left to take proper diet. (Chang 2006) as cited in (Lim, Bogossian and Ahern, 2010) reported consequences of stress on physical health that is increased pressures, sleep disturbance and tiredness. In another literature it says stress in nursing students creates issues in memory, in judgmental skills and in coping styles, Goff (2011). The students, who encounter stress, mainly have poor thinking and this further aggravate their psychological problems. I witnessed one of my classmate who developed psychological symptoms in second year 2013 due to increased stress in her academics. She was admitted in psychiatric ward for more than 2 m onths and still she takes medications. I observed the same symptoms in her which are mentioned in the literatures. According to literature, undergraduate nurse end up in mental issues due to increase level of stress. It causes emotional distress that is nervousness, low self-esteem, isolation, aggression, anxiety etc.(Jimenez,OsorioDiaz, 2010).In Karachi, Pakistan a study was conducted in three medical colleges and students participated were 360. They found gastro intestinal problems especially irritable bowel syndrome in students. It was mentioned in the article that irritable bowel syndrome is because of psychological stress in students. (Naeem et al., 2012). Moreover, (Prasad et al., 2013) also talked about psychological impacts of stress which lead to loss of concentration in educational field, loss of energy which ultimately leads to low output and thoughts of suicide. I also witnessed many cases where people did suicide, left the program, developed loneliness and symptoms like anxiety and drug abuse. O’Donnell (2009) stated that due to increased stress students are unable to focus and complete their nursing degree. They do not pay attention towards their studies which makes their life complicated.Galbraith and brown (2011) mentioned behavior related affects like use of alcohol, smoking and other drugs. Students use drugs as alternative coping strategies. The individual who suffer from violence may develop symptoms that persist for many years. They blame themselves for the incidence, feeling ashamed, and embarrassed. It alters their social life and builds negative thought about their career (magnavitaheponiemi, 2011).Yet another article by Mane et al. (2011) stated stress causes weak performance in education and in their later job life. Moreover they face many problems in their social life and personnel life. In my view stress always hinders in the progression of students whether it is there education, career, and health, their personal or social l ife. Strategies and Interventions There are many interventions and strategies to reduce the factors and negative impacts of stress in undergraduate nurses. According to (humped caputi, 2011) as cited in â€Å"Nurses education today†, student nurses are more exposed to stress and they need to build their capacity to balance their thoughts and cope constructively. Lim et al. (2010) found basic education of undergraduates very beneficial in control of stress.(Hubbard et al., 1984) as cited in ( Reevea et al., 2013) ; Yamashita and Miwasaito, 2012), mentioned about social support. According to which a strong support from others (friends and family members) enhance positivity in their health and thinking. Other than this a good relationship between students and their faculty can builds trust and confidence in students to perform their task courageously. (Jimenez ,2010; Yearwood and Riley, 2013), also mentioned that faculties should understand student’s stress so that they can support them in their grooming, progression and a proper guidance in clinical set up also reduce their stress level. In addition (Gibbons, 2010; Shomail Faisal, 2012), mentioned that the positive regards from teachers and colleague is helpful in stress management. According to Laragia (2013) to decrease stress in undergraduate nurses it is important to assess the cause and level of stress to plan interventions accordingly and help students in their theoretical and practical skill. Mane et al. (2011) highlighted about relaxation therapies and solution to those factors which are more common in students stress. Yamashita et al. (2012) found self-awareness and knowledge of dealing with stress as important strategies in alleviating of stress. Conclusion and Recommendation In conclusion every profession is stressful but nursing is more stressful and undergraduate nurses are more vulnerable to stress. There are many causes of stress which impacts the well-being of student nurses. The causes are increase work load in classes as well as in clinical, lack of knowledge, low self-esteem, encountering challenges with staff, patients and clinical placement. Undergraduates face many consequences of stress for example they suffer from psychological, emotional, social, and physical problem. They develop symptoms of suicidal ideation, alter in thought process, self with drawl from social life, high blood pressure, sleep problems, anxiety, frustration and it also impacts on their academics. Furthermore, it is very essential to find the root causes of stress and make proper strategies to reduce it. It is important for students that they should develop positive coping skills and cooperative relationship with faculties, staff and other professionals. Students can also take benefit from their social circle like from their parents and friends. In Pakistan nurses image is very poor and this lead to stress and many other issues in nurses. A proper research is needed to find the causes, prevalence and impacts of stress on the well-being of undergraduate nurses. I would recommend that students and teachers should make support group which will find out or help those students who are in stress. Furthermore, institution should not over burden the students. They should plan such activities which help them in relieving their stress such as sport timing, parties, and psychotherapy and counseling classes. If these strategies are implemented than students will be healthy and ultimately, there will be productive outcome. References Davidyan,A. (2008, January 10). 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Thursday, September 19, 2019
Paper :: essays papers
Paper The value of music education in society has been a significant subject since the time of Plato. Plato wrote about music education in his famous work the Republic: †¦Education in music is most sovereign, because more than anything else rhythm and harmony find their way to the inmost soul and take strongest hold upon it, bringing with them and imparting grace, if one is rightly trained, and otherwise the contrary. And further, because omissions and the failure of beauty in things badly made or grown would be most quickly perceived by one who was properly educated in music, and so, feeling distaste rightly, he would praise beautiful things and take delight in them and receive them into his soul to foster its growth and become himself beautiful and good. (Mark, 2002, p.6) Music education is in danger of being lost to the new generations attending school. It is too important to be cast aside, and technology can be used to aid in the fight to save music education. Importance of Education The importance of music education can be seen by examining numerous scholarly articles. The National Association for Music Education (MENC) believes that music education will help children to grow and perform well in society, school, life, and increasing their intellect (MENC, 2002). According to the American Arts Alliance Fact Sheet from October of 1996, music helps in society because it will â€Å"create jobs, increase the local tax base, boost tourism, spur growth in related businesses and improve the overall quality of life for our cities and towns†(MENC, 2002). Music education helps improve test scores in school; the College-Bound Seniors National Report stated that students who took classes in performing music scored 57 points more on the verbal section of the SATs and 41 points more on the math. Music education increases the intellect of students. Instruction in music is better than instruction in computer literacy because it increases the ability for children to learn reasoning skills (MENC, 2002). Another article called â€Å"Music Makes You Smarter†discusses â€Å"an important link between musical training and other cognitive abilities, particularly spatial abilities – the abstract reasoning that is used for understanding relationships between objects such as, for example, when calculating a proportion or playing chess†(Rausher, 1997). Music education is very important because it challenges students to think ahead such as when reading lines of music before playing them (Rausher, 1997).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Movie (Film) Version of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Movie Film comparison compare contrast
Movie (Film) Version of Romeo and Juliet      There have been many romantic films made in the past as well as now in the present, from Wuthering Heights to Pretty Woman. But, one of the most romantic of all films is the story of Romeo and Juliet. It is safe to say that most people are familiar with this story. A couple so determined to be together, ended up tragically in the arms of one another because of their feuding families. Today, a new director attempts to recreate this Shakespearean story by adding a little of his on twists to it. Using the same dialogue as Shakespeare, this director sets the story in modern times. Romeo and Juliet, the movie, gives audience in the twentieth century a taste of a new and mystical flavor to this well-known love story.      The setting of Romeo and Juliet, as expected, was totally different from other settings in the past. This setting, however, was not necessarily set in way of how people today would live. The story was set more fantasy-like. Because of the setting, the deaths of the people in this movie did not seem as moving as to the old movies. For some reason, the setting of Mercutio's death interfered with this supposedly poetic scene. A broken down stage on a sandy beach does not seem to fit well together. The setting seemed pretty artificial. Also, the scene when one of the Montagues died at the gas station did not seem as depressing as would be if any other person was to die. This scene was the opening one so, the audience could have been distracted by the dialogue and therefore, not paying attention to the death to much.       In the beginning of the movie, it was hard to adjust to the dialogue with the atmosphere. The dialogue was way on the other side of the timeline compared to the setting. Some of the audience was even laughing. Perhaps that was why it was so difficult to follow the movie with all those distractions.       What was quite remarkable about this movie was how the director incorporated today's problems and events with the old Shakespearean dialogue.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Analysis on Automobile Industry Essay
Globalization had indeed left its impact on the automobile industry. Now foreign auto dealers were facing lesser restrictions to operate in overseas markets. Michael E. Porter in his book â€Å"Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors†dealt with five competitive forces that shaped all industries. This helped to analyze the intensity of competition which had an impact on the profitability of an industry. The US automobile industry was considered as a force to reckon with from the days of craft production and hence would serve as a standard use case to identify Porter’s five forces. With low level of entry barriers, the Big was facing increasing competition from foreign players like Toyota and Honda. The relationship among Porter’s five forces in the US automobile industry, detailed below clearly proved its’ competitive nature. 1. Threat of New Entrants – The existing loyalty to major brands, incentives for using a particular buyer, higher fixed costs, scarcity of resources, high costs of switching companies, and government regulations constituted the barriers to entry which in turn reduced the competition in an industry. The success of foreign car manufacturers like the Honda Motor Co. had disproved the general belief that the Big Three were invincible. The only factors expected to retard the growing significance of foreign auto dealers were the loyalty to American made vehicles and the after-sale services offered. 2. Power of Suppliers – The presence of very few suppliers of a particular product, and the absence of any substitutes for the product supplied reflected the pressure exerted by the supplier. Sometimes the product was extremely important to the auto-maker and the alternatives proved to be very costly. In such cases the suppliers were in a better position to dictate terms. A lot of suppliers depended on automakers to buy their products. But if the automaker decided to change suppliers it would badly affect the supplier’s role in auto manufacturing. 3. Power of Buyers – Small number of buyers, purchases of large volumes, prevalence of alternative options, and price sensitive customers were some of the factors that determined the extent of influence of the buyers in any industry. American consumers were driven towards foreign cars mainly because most of the auto-makers sourced their key auto-parts from different suppliers. But this raised doubts on the reliability of the vehicle itself. 4. Availability of Substitutes – If substitutes were available offering similar services, the likelihood of buyers switching over to another competitor depended mainly on the cost. The cost of the automobiles along with their operating costs was driving customers to look for alternative transportation options. The rising gasoline price was bound to influence the buyers. 5. Competitive Rivalry – The presence of many players of about the same size, little differentiation between competitors, and a very mature industry with very little growth were the features of a highly competitive industry. Higher the competition in the industry lower would be the profit margin. To remain ahead in competition, auto-makers were tempted to offer value added services to the customers incurring more costs. Easyfinance options and long term warranties were offered to lure the customers. But these measures cut into the profit margins. Thus the US automobile industry in the face of global competition from foreign firms was offering better deals to cater to diverse needs of customers SWOT Analysis An analysis of the fortunes of Ford, a global leader in the automotive industry based in Michigan, wielding significant influence since the inception of global automobile industry, would serve as a classic example to diagnose the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats existing for auto-makers. Strengths †¢ Ford owned a vast array of brand names, which had world wide recognition and respect. Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Volvo, Jaguar, Land-Rover, Aston Martin were the famous vehicle brand names owned by the company. Ford Credit, Genuine Parts & Service and Motorcraft were its’ automotive service brands. †¢ Huge size of the business operations allowed Ford to reap the benefits of economies of scale. As of 2005, Ford’s distribution network spread over 200 markets across six continents, supported by an employee base totaling 300,000 and 108 plants worldwide. †¢ Business diversification initiatives of past decades helped Ford to focus on financing sector in addition to manufacturing, with the help of its subsidiaries. Most of the vehicles sold to dealers and distributors were financed by Ford Credit at wholesale rate. The diverse product line was another positive outcome of business diversification. As of 2005, Ford was the second biggest player in US with a total market share of 18. 2%. In Europe, the market share stood at 10. 8%. Weakness Ford’s large size could pose serious impediment to its efforts to adjust to the dynamics of global automobile market. Unlike its Japanese counterparts, Ford had to ride on heavy incentives to boost sales of models, which failed to catch the attention of consumers. Financial Constraints prevented Ford from channeling investments towards the manufacture of new models. Failure to control plant capacity also cut down the profit margin. Opportunities The opening up of Asian markets, wherein lied the potential for growth in commercial vehicle sales, offered a big opportunity to Ford in the near future. The big size and extended global reach, which some identified as a weakness, was helping Ford to become a major player in these markets. Meanwhile in the US, consumers in the higher income category were expected to spend more on high-end models more frequently. The growing trend in energy prices23 was paving the way for a huge market for full and medium sized SUVs and hybrid vehicles with better fuel economy. Despite losing the first mover advantage to Japanese auto-makers, Ford was making headway in this growing market. And in order to leverage on its brand image, efforts were on to differentiate brand identities to the potential consumers. By this initiative, Ford was trying to cut down its incentives. To check capacity issues, Ford made plans to close 10 plants and 30,000 jobs by 2008. Its ultimate aim was to boost capacity utilization to 95% from the current level of 72%. Threats The main threat to Ford’s market dominance came from Japanese auto-makers, particularly Toyota, whose products were of high quality. Ford was losing out customers, who went for higher quality vehicles from Japanese auto-makers, despite absence of incentives. The negative ratings given by most of the credit rating agencies in 2005 also demanded attention as the decision reflected concerns over Ford’s cash flow and profitability, declining market share, excess industry capacity, industry pricing pressure and rising health care costs.
Monday, September 16, 2019
A Study
Globalization Is one of those few phenomenon we hear about all the time and refer we try to analyses the impacts that globalization has had on the world. With help of some of the best, easy to comprehend examples, we try to understand how with time the business world has become more interactive, communicative and inter- dependent in nature and if it really has been in favor of firms competing in the market. Globalization in business is the integration process of the world through the use of international trading system.It unifies the local and foreign markets to make the trading even easier for businesses. In yet other words, we can call globalization the recess of Increased Inter-connectedness among the countries In the areas of culture, economics and politics. Firms competing In the market place have the luxury to choose their option and maximize their business potentials by the way of participating globally. Such process as a result, simplifies the corporate process of canvassing materials, production, marketing and distribution of products and services.The information System (IS) is quite different from the usual trading and thus businesses get alliance with ease other than supplies and labor forces from there countries as long as they follow the rules set by the global economic authorities including the World Trade Centre. (Schools, 2005) Is it not amazing when we turn an apple I-pod upside down and it says, ‘designed In California (US), assembled In China? The clothes In our wardrobe, an English brand made with Chinese cotton, sewed by Indian hands, shipped on a French freighter crewed by Americans to a united Kingdom harbor.That's Globalization. The word ‘Globalization' has always been creeping on all of us as long as we can remember; however, it has never been so visible and impacting until recent years. Artificial constraints like tariffs have become unfettering and the businesses are expanding globally complicating the already existing com petitive environment (Change & Park, 2005). It can be easily explained as to how the fundamental nature of competition has changed in the industries in the global economy.This change in itself has a relentless pace and moving forward at all time. In words of Williamson (2004), globalization has had too many implications to the national economy. It has intensified inter-dependence among economies in the world market and countries and yes, their organizations as reflected in the knowledge cross borders, flow of goods and services and the financial capital. In short, globalization is the outcome of a large number of business firms competing against each other in a rising number of global economies.Globalization in true sense extends immense opportunities for firms competing in the 21st century highly competitive landscape. In a globalizes market, as confirmed by Khan (2006), the financial capital can be obtained from one national market and be used to buy raw materials in a second mark et. The manufacturing equipment can be purchased from a third national market and be sold in yet another one or say a fourth market. It has become challenging to determine the boundaries of any industry in the current world scenario.Wall-Mart could be a straightforward example to support Khan's (2006) view point. Wall-Mart is the name, the brand, the global giant which is known world over and have been trying to achieve retailing with global pricing, sourcing and logistics without getting impacted by the global boundaries. The idea was to be able to easily move goods and be able to seamlessly use the pricing strategies among all its international operations as it had been able to do in case of its domestic stores. Hit 2007) said once that, Wall-Mart is pursuing this type of retailing (boundary-less) on an evolutionary basis. And, he was right when he quoted that because in the past few it has even more evident that Wall-Mart has actually put things in practice and joined hands with others to make boundary-less retailing possible. Let's count on another example from the entertainment industry. Advancements in telecommunications and the interactive computer networks have made the boundaries of entertainment industry look blur and shady. Networks such as CBS, HOBO, Fox and NBC not only compete among themselves but, also with Sony and Microsoft and perhaps others.It is not easy any more to define the boundaries of a particular industry and switchover, new industry ventures have become more frequent. Yet another major affect of globalization is the design, production, distribution and servicing of goods and services and that is visibly convincing enough to gain instances. A suitable example will be Toyota Motor Company. Global competitor Toyota Motor Company provides shall help us understand how this happens. Toyota Company's products are in high demand internationally because of its initial emphasis on product reliability and superior customer service and support. Barbwire & Mean (2004) figured out that because the demand for Toyota Motor Company's products, it's competitive actions have forced its global competitors to bring improvements in their operations and instill reliability and best customer service and support. And this act of following Toast's example has changed quality service's concept entirely. Almost any vehicle bought today across the globe, from virtually any manufacturer (company/brand) is of a higher quality and all of them extend better ND tailored service support which was not exactly the case before Toyota began competing successfully on a global scale.The firms competing in the global economy have to understand, looking at the wider perspective, that globalization has heightened the levels of performance standards in terms of quality, cost, productivity, product introduction time span and operational efficiency which could be referred to as the so called competitive dimensions. Now, these competitive dimensions not only affect the firms competing in the global economy but, also the firms competing in the domestic markets. And the reason is Customer Preference'.The customer purchases form a global brand rather than a domestic firm or brand as they know that the goods and services offered by the global competitors are far more superior to the local firms. Globalization has also led to the free movement of labor and capital after being recognized as a key source of competitive advantage and therefore, firms globally must understand the importance of keeping a better track of their work force. As Prospers (2005) mentions, the best people will come from, Just about anywhere. ‘ Hence, work force relationship plays a very dynamic role with the dawn of libations.A mixed labor is not always easy to manage and if not given importance in the beginning things may go awry at a later time. An easy to understand example would be pinpointing the Asian community, which is big part of the world population and a big chunk of which works in the west. Too many nationalities and ethnicities working together and it takes the right kind if thinking and planning to keep the things going. And, no doubt that takes careful planning and implementation. The business corporations must learn enough to positively deal with the ground realities of the current global competitive environment.Only those companies have the ability to make above average profits which are capable of meeting or rather exceeding the existing global standards. (Fink & Holder, 2005) The term, ‘Global Village' & Increasing Interaction among businesses Emergence of global economy did create some interesting opportunities. And, that is why today Europe is the world's largest single market, instead of USA, with 2005). Globalization History can create arguments of when or where it usually started and who have been the pioneers of globalization but we know for sure this is the present notations that the world has been experienci ng.This new form of business relation and practices often referred to as global village which is radically changing the business environment and it is true and highly relevant, valid and accepted in today's modern economy. In order for businesses to grow they must consider jumping into the globalization challenges to be able to compete and gain market shares. This has been the rules of the most successful business leaders around the world because the opportunity is there to bring different nations and businesses closer to one another.Look around many establishment and you can find that international businesses are all around, Franchising makes business easy to expand all over the world that a certain person who has the capacity to put up business from Asia can franchise a business in America and other countries examples are Mac Donald, Levis, Seven Eleven, Sarah Lee, Avon and many other stores scattered around the world because of globalization. McDonald's fast food chain can be con sidered as a true example of globalization as true globalization means one company procuring, manufacturing and selling in many countries and McDonald's does exactly the same.It operates in 119 countries and has successfully integrated all its operations internationally. There are many advantages in this process and anyone who would like to take a franchise business is almost assured of success because of its brand, they have ready market all over the world that has gained popularity, franchiser even offer full marketing assistance that makes your business franchise grows using their adaptable marketing expertise that they will be shared upon franchising such business. Supermarkets where we buy are daily need products; accommodate all those reduces from all over the world.Olive oil from Greece, apples from South Africa, wine from France and likewise thousands of more products from around the world. Deco's in the I-J, the biggest network of supermarkets in the UK for an example is no such exception and has left no stone unturned to bring products from all over to be made available in their stores located in the I-J. That is Just another touch to globalization because you are not taking your products to other countries, perhaps but, you are certainly bringing in other products under one umbrella to be sold to a did range of customers.An important discussion could around the Business Process Outsourcing industry which makes a certain business maximize profit by partnership from other countries, businesses like JP Morgan and chase, MM, Telltale, CIT and other companies in Europe and America usually hire and establish businesses in countries such as the Philippines and India since they are highly skilled in English Communication. Usually Technical Assistance from customers around the world pretending they are a part of such company.Through this process the company like IBM can cut their labor expenses while they enjoy productivity because of their highly effective BOP in other countries while people from other countries enjoys a good privilege from their Job because of high salary. This can happen because of currency differences from other countries and an example is India where US $ 1 is equal to RSI. 47 in Indian currency. This means that they mutually benefit from this process. This has been the reasons why BOP is highly increasing demand of people.In the Indian and Philippines alone there are at least 250,000 Call Centre people needed to fill in the vacancies of various BOP Companies. The downturn of BOP industry is that on one hand it provides Job opportunities to people of one country and takes away the Jobs of people from yet another country. Online Trading is the cause of globalization and advancement in technology that businesses can easily tap in customers using the internet, they can gain high market potentials using their website acting as an store-front to advertise their products and services that can be open 24 hours a day seve n days a week.Hotels and restaurants, Air Aviation and Local Businesses including individuals can easily use the internet to gather customers around the world. This can also cut cost their labor and transportation expenses through online participation, customers can simply fill in their information and take the orders and it will be delivered via cargo forwarding, the process is also convenient to their customers since it only takes a few clicks of a button to get an order.These practices also includes the Import- Export trading that includes free trade or open participation that can give opportunity to most business organization and individual to gain international customers around the world. Having taken the world by storm are the internet based social networking websites hose days. Backbone, Resort, Linked, Google, Namespace, Twitter, Bebop, Hi, Nettle and may be hundreds of other social networking sites are always a click away with internet in existence. Twitter for instance ser ves over 200 million people (users) worldwide and takes in 1. Billion requests every single day. That's globalization, right there, opening doors to the world and let communication channels to work their way out without any hindrance. When there are so many countries and organizations that support globalization and understand that it is the right tool for the development of less developed countries ND maximizing profits for the developed countries, there exist some Countries and unions who believed that Globalization is somehow negative and that only the strongest corporation makes the domination and small business may not grow.This to an extent is right. The lesser developed nations might take a set back as in the name of globalization and world trade their resources could be plundered or misused by the stronger nations. Remember, somewhere we talked about the BOP industry which makes the outsourcing company a massive profit, in a way that also by taking advantage of their needs. S ome believed that credit based economy has not done any good but false claims that leads to heavy debt burden while some small businessman believes that globalization is only for imperialistic purposes.Yet another constraint, and cannot be ignored. Globalization certainly has made things better but, in the future might take inter-dependency or complete dependency to a all new Level of chaos in the world. Other European and Middle East Countries somehow they believed that globalization may only favor the internationally known companies and this is not a free trade but the opposite. They re the Anti-Globalization Communities who are against this process, however their claim maybe, globalization will continue to dominate the business world.Globalization: A Stabilizing Factor in International Business It is evident from examples stated before in this paper that globalization has brought a dramatic change in the world market. Business firms attempting to expand their geographic foot-prin t to meet consumer demand, extending their value chain to a global level, stepping into boundary-less retailing and logistics, international tie-ups to get hold of a wider share of customer base, these are because of globalization and eave helped stabilizing the international business community by allowing free movement of men and materials, knowledge sharing and easy access to financial capital.Globalization has indeed at its core eased the border constraints making them less important than before as countries and economies become dependent on each other for survival and progress. Cross-borders transactions have reached to a new level as a result of diverse business locations of firms and their customer base in a broader market which allows them to secure their investments via spreading risk factor. The ERM Global Village nails the concept down very firmly. If it was not globalization the world we live in would never have been what it is now.Variety of goods for the customers, chea p affordable prices, and access to bigger markets, greater employment opportunities, faster technology and trade knowledge are all a result of globalization. Globalization does have its own side effects on somewhat manner as discussed a while ago but, the point it has it helped making things better and convenient, well, the answer is yes. It certainly has pushed the barriers and allowed the world to connect better and stronger than ever. Conclusion: Do we pay consensus to the fact that globalization is good? It is a simple question but, enough to lead to a heated debate among the experts.However, the bottom line is that globalization has indeed created more opportunities for businesses to expand globally, reach out to the mass segment of customers in need, take a stride in terms of revenue generation and of course increase brand but the more the economic and political challenges which emerge at the same time may or may not be addressed meaningfully and chances are more the emerging economies might fail to set up a proper state framework and structure to succeed. Swimming with the tide is still the best option at hand when the stream takes you exactly where you want to be.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Impact of Employee Retention Essay
Griffeth & Hom (2001) have argued that employee turnover is assuming crisis proportions for many employers who struggle to retain people in the tightest labour market. Griffeth & Hom (2001, Pg 1) 52% of companies report that their turnover is increasing and quit rates are running high of 1.1% a month.†Turnover can be a real problem in many organisations. Companies spend a great deal of time and money recruiting and training employees and the cost of replacing staff members lost through turnover are great. The monetary cost of replacing one employee is generally estimated to range from 50 percent to 200 percent of the annual salary for the position, and may even be higher in very specialized fields. Furthermore, poor employee retention can have a negative impact on workplace productivity, job satisfaction, and also on the overall morale of the organisation. It is proven that a high turnover percentage can cost employers a great deal of financial distress. Depending on the size of the company, to many employers it can make the difference in staying or going out of business. Phillips (2003,Pg 4) noted that, â€Å"of late employee retention has captured the attention of the business, financial, and executive community as a critically important strategic issue that can have a dramatic effect on productivity and profits.†Cascio, 2000 and Johnson,1995 cited in Griffeth & Hom, Retaining Valued Employees (2001), are of the opinion that, human resources professionals and researchers project that the cost of one turnover incidence ranges from between 93% to 200% of a leavers salary, depending on his or her skill and level of job responsibility. Labour turnover has a negative impact on the organizations. Although every manager and team member is aware of problems associated with high turnover, a review of its foremost consequences puts employee retention in the appropriate perspective. Patricia (2002, pg 4, 5) noted that â€Å"employee turnover has a serious impact on organisations. Firstly high financial costs, which is both in terms of direct and indirect costs and the performance of companies has been inhibited in many ways by high turnover rates. Sometimes the costs alone causes turnover to become a critical strategic issue. Secondly, in terms of survival as an issue, where in a tight labour market in which the company depends on having employees with critical skills, recruiting and retaining the appropriate talent can determine the success or failure of the organisation. Thirdly in terms of productivity loses and workflow interruptions , where an employee who quits abruptly not only leaves a productivity gap but also causes problems for others on the same team and within the same flow of work. Fourthly in terms of loss of know-how especially with regards to knowledge industry, where a departing employee may have the critical knowledge and skills needed for working with specific software. This can be a negative impact at least in the short run. Fifthly, turnover can have a serious impact on the image of the organisations.†Patricia (2002) also noted that some of the other impacts of turnover on organisations may be with regards to loss of business opportunities, administrative problems, disruption of social and communication networks, and job satisfaction of remaining employees. Patricia (2002) noted that it is important to remember that turnover can have a negative impact on the individual, particularly if an employee is leaving because of problems that could have been prevented. Furthermore, Patricia (2002) noted that a voluntary turnover because of problems that could have been avoided creates a variety of consequences such as loss of employee benefits or job seniority, financial difficulties, loss of social network, relocation costs, wasted efforts and uncompleted projects, and even more in terms of career problems. Branham (2005) noted that employees quit because of the disengagement process and deliberation process. Branham (2005) also noted that there are 7 reasons as to why employees leave organisations. They are as follows: 1. The job or the workplace was not expected. 2. The mismatch between job and person. 3. Very little coaching and feedback. 4. Few growth and advancement opportunities. 5. Feeling devalued and unrecognised. 6. Stress from overwork and work-life imbalance. 7. Loss of trust and confidence in senior leaders. There is no set level of employee turnover that determines at what point turnover starts to have a negative impact on an organisation’s performance. Everything depends on the type of labour markets in which you compete. Where it is relatively easy to find and train new employees quickly and at relatively little cost (that is where the labour market is loose), it is possible to sustain high quality levels of service provision despite having a high turnover rate. By contrast, where skills are relatively scarce, where recruitment is costly or where it takes several weeks to fill a vacancy, turnover is likely to be problematic for the organisation. This is especially true of situations in which you are losing staff to direct competitors or where customers have developed relationships with individual employees. Some employee turnover positively benefits organisations. This happens when a poor performer is replaced by a more productive employee, and can happen when a senior retirement allows the promotion or acquisition of welcome ‘fresh blood’. The more valuable the employees in question the more damaging the resignation, particularly when they move on to work for competitors. Moderate levels of staff turnover can also help to reduce staff costs in organisations where business levels are unpredictable month on month. When business is slack it is straightforward to hold off filling recently created vacancies for some weeks. Staw (1980 cited in Griffeth and Hom (2002), argues that turnover is not always bad. For instance, vacating employees or employees who quit can increase promotional opportunities for other employees or can infuse new ideas and technologies when new employees replace those who left. Dalton, Krackhardt and Porter (1981cited in Griffeth and Hom (2002), are of the opinion that certain kinds of jobs exits or quits among marginal performers are even desirable. Abelson & Bay singer (1994, cited in Griffeth and Hom (2002) that a certain quit rate might be tolerated as a cost of doing business in a particular industry. Stephen Taylor (2002, Pg 15) noted that for many HR specialists, rising staff turnover is seen as being an important organisational problem. It follows that improving retention rates should be high on the management agenda, and it is proper for resources to be devoted to achieving this aim. However a certain amount of turnover is actively welcomed by many managers. â€Å"Nonetheless, Griffeth & Hom (2001) have noticed that organisational-level research and corporate studies report that high exit rates generally worsen organisational effectiveness. Though there are diverse opinions from various authors, and taking the above argument into consideration, it is clear that employees play a fundamental role in the success of any organisation and therefore by retaining talented or rather key employees is a very important task that the managers should undertake. Phillips & Connell (2002) noted that, some organisations do a superb job of managing retention, whereas others fail miserably. The issues are not always externally driven but often lie within the organisation.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The Just Not Caring Essay
An example of violence against women Imagine the horror of being forcefully tied down, drenching In kerosene oil and being set on fire alive. It would not be a surprise If the mere thought of It Is already disturbing to you. How much more so would it be that this bitter fate is truly faced by many married women in India not at the hands of some psychos or strangers, but by their own so-called beloved husbands and or in-laws?A young woman is either being burnt alive, beaten to death or being forced to commit suicide at someplace in India, almost every four hours for not being able to provide the demand of dowries. Stone) The word dowry In the ordinary sense means properties or resources that are given to the bridegroom and his family at the time of marriage from the bride's family for accepting her to their home permanently. Dowry is, therefore, a compensatory payment to the family which agrees to shelter her hypothetically for the rest of her life. (Madam). â€Å"The nature of prope rty may be movable or immovable.Movable property generally consists of cash, clothes, furniture, ornaments, cycle or car and many other articles and Immovable property Includes land, house and shop or actors, etc. â€Å"(Hookah, 3) Historically, the dowry was referred as gift given voluntarily and it was restricted only to the Brahmins as the symbol of the highest caste. Today the dowry often refers to expensive material objects demand by the bridegroom's family as opposed to voluntarily given and it is unfortunately becoming customary across many deferent castes and social groups. Stone) Although dowry is possibly the single largest cause of bride burning as well as other forms of domestic violence against women; the Inequality between genders, an Increase In consumerism and he growing greed of balancing the social status with material objects also serves to be the motivations in committing the crime of bride burning. Oil) In India, a daughter is often neither valued nor welcomed by her biological family due to the severe financial weight of the dowry expectation. In fact, girls are rejected prior to their birth.Pillar, indicates that detection of a fetus using amniocentesis test have escalated throughout the country and the fetus carrying XX chromosomes are often aborted because the ultimate financial burden of a woman makes a female infant highly unwanted. Rude) The male preference over female Is also due to the custom of husband's family taking in the bride and thus daughters are taken as temporary visitors in their own home. Even in the matter of upbringing, son's happiness and success are considered more important because in return sons bear the responsibility of supporting their parents at the time of old age.Over time, this unequal treatment and abandonment faced by many women from a very young age forces them to view themselves as a minority which then ultimately shatters their confidence and self-worthiness into pieces. This explains why many newly- wed women prefer to stay mute even when they experience brutality or dowry -related violence since they fear or lack the confidence to gear up enough courage in an alien house hold to fight back or report the violence when the dowry obligations are unmet.According to Rude, some even choose suicide as an escape from the brutality of their situation and to spare their parents the humiliation of not being able to India, a total of 2. 276 female suicides due to dowry disputes were reported in 2006 that is six a day on an average, while the figure was 2,305 in 2005. On an average India loses one India woman every four hours over a dowry dispute, as per official data, despite a series of laws to empower them. (Dowry) The ongoing reality of dowry- related violence is an example of what can happen when women are treated as property.Hookah points out homicidal burning to be a common method used to murder a wife by the husband and in-law in order to bring forth excuses to explain the incident . The husband or in-law often reports the incident to the police as â€Å"a stove burst†, an accidental burn that took place while the woman was cooking on a rimes stove. Or the report may state that my wife's dress usually it's a traditionally dress called â€Å"share†caught on fire while she was cooking on a wood burning stove.In case, if the husband or in-law fails to prove the event based upon the evidence, they simply report the death as being one of the suicides. A familiar claim is that the victim burnt herself to death by pouring paraffin oil on her clothes and body and setting herself alight. †(Dowry) Due to lack of evidence, the guilty husband and in-law often escapes even after committing atrocious crimes and they are soon in the arraign business again looking for a new bride with perhaps an even handsomer dowry. Stone) These shocking made-up incidents are linked to the custom of the dowry system that has turned the very concept of marriage–a pure attachment between a husband and a wife–into a transaction, with no value placed whatsoever on the bride or the relationship of the husband and wife. â€Å"For this man or his family woman becomes the ticket to his shortcut richness through the system of dowry. †The groom side of the family often uses the prospect of a son's marriage to full fill all the series in terms of articles that they cannot afford on their own.Women are increasingly seen as commodities and are vulnerable to being treated as replaceable objects because when the flow of dowry ends, they are in a shaky position that can lead to disapproval, cruelty, and finally, dowry-murder. â€Å"The driving force behind this process is the growth of the cash-based economy, which has commercialese dowry and further lowered the status of women despite new laws and educational opportunities designed to assist them. Although a dowry system is illegal in India, it entities to flourish putting lives of many wo men in danger simply because there is no limitation to human greed. Nowadays dowry is regarded, by those who demand it, as reflection of the social status of the bridegroom's family.. Thus, the more eligible the bridegroom is in terms of social standing, the wealth, the educational and career- related achievements, and so forth the larger the dowry that his family has the right to demand and receive.These marriages built upon greed–and not upon love, as it should be–brings only disaster in which only women face. The desire for more never ends once the person has been bitten by dowry bite and as a result when the bride's family cannot pay the amount commanded by the in-laws, the bride is often then burned alive as a consequence. Furthermore, the emergence of consumerism has made it attractive for prospective bridegrooms and their families to use the dowry as a means of enriching themselves at the time of marriage by demanding expensive presents from the parents of the p rospective bride.The desire for continuing to benefit materially from the parents of the bride can take the form of pressuring the parents of young women do not hesitate to the evil custom of dowry. Since it has become very problematic for family with a daughter who is highly educated to find an eligible educated groom due to the pressure that a girl is required to marry a husband above her in terms of education. And it is considered a shameful act to marry a man with a less education.Thus, the daughters' parents are ready to pay a handsome amount of dowry. Geraldine Forbes, and other scholars also point out that, in relatively recent times, rising consumerism and the increasing trend to equate social status with material objects has made it attractive for prospective bridegrooms ND their families to use the dowry as a means of enriching themselves at the time of marriage by demanding expensive presents from the parents of the prospective bride.The desire for continuing to benefit m aterially from the parents of the bride can take the form of pressuring the bride and her family for more dowries even after marriage. (G. Forbes) To halt the practice of bride burning, a change in the perception of women's status is essential. It can be brought about by increase in the education and the equal opportunities for women. The hard earned money saved up or dowries should rather be invested in the betterment of their daughters' future so that they can become and remain economically independent from their husbands or their natal families.In addition shelter homes should be constructed for victims of dowry-related violence since many women are dependent to their husbands and have no place to go. Further more, the media should use it' power to publicize the problems caused by dowry and dowry-related crimes. I. E. Asia & Intel L. 277 (2008) Dowry Deaths (bride burning) in India and Abutment of Suicide: A Socio-Legal Appraisal; Madman, Unaligned
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