Saturday, August 31, 2019
Teenage Suicide
Teenage suicide is a major issue in todays society; suicide is the intentional taking of one's own life and is a momentous issue that should be addressed as quickly as possible. Teen suicide has been the topic of numerous news headlines; yet, It still continues to have a detrimental effect on todays youth.. There have also been numerous misconceptions about the leading cause of teenage suicide. Although there are a number of things that can cause someone to commit suicide, there is one main reason that has been proven to be the principal cause: mental illness.Some other the leading causes of suicide among teenagers include bullying, depression or anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, and sexual and physical abuse. At some point in most teens' lives, they will experience periods of sadness, worry and/or despair. While it is completely normal for a healthy person to have these types of responses to pain resulting trom loss. dismissal, or disillusionment, those with serious (otten undiagnose d) mental illnesses often experience much more drastic reactions.Many imes these severe reactions will leave the teen in despair, and they may feel that there Is no end In sight to their suffering. It is at this point that the teen may lose hope, and with the absence of hope comes more depression and the feeling that sulclde Is the only solution. It Isnt. Bullying is Indubitably becoming one of the leading causes of teenage suicide: In todays society, it isnt unheard of to hear news stories explaining how another teenager has committed suicide as a result of bullying.Bullying has been a major ontroversy In schools for countless years, and I believe that It will continue to be an issue for many years to come unless we do something about it. I do believe that people are beginning to take bullying more seriously than they have in past years: however, there is still a lot more that can be done In order to decrease the amount of bullying that takes place. Teens with bipolar disorder are more likely to commit suicide due to the fact that although they might teel tine a majority ot the time, there may also be times when they feel extremely depressed.Depression Is highly treatable, but the problem with a lot of teens is that they do not realize that they are depressed: therefore, they don't get the proper treatment needed to overcome depression. They dont realize that there are other solutions opposed to suicide, and they don't realize that the decision to commit sulclde as a result ot a short-term problem will have a long-term ettect that can never be reversed. When depression is properly treated, a persons thoughts on suicide become more coherent, and it is less likely for them to attempt suicide.Teen girls are statistically twice as likely as their male counterparts to attempt suicide. They tend to turn to drugs (overdosing) or to cut themselves, while boys are traditionally more successful In their sulclde attempts because they utilize more lethal methods such as guns and hanging. This method preference makes boys almost four times more successful in committing suicide. All In all, altnougn tnere are many tnlngs tnat can cause a person to commit sulc10e, mental illness is currently the primary reason.Suicide is preventable; anti- epressant drugs have proved to be highly effective in helping to thwart teens from committing suicide. The reason as to why so many teens think it is alright to bully and tease others is due to the fact that the repercussions are not stringent enough; therefore, bullying continues to happen. As IVe stated before, a majority of people planning to commit suicide give some type of warning signs that indicate that they might be planning to commit suicide. Through research, I have found that a lot, not all, of suicides that have occurred could have been prevented.While some teens uffer from depression and/or anxiety, others are victims of bullying or abuse. People need to realize that every single one of our actions will have a reaction, whether it is good or bad. When we bully and mistreat others, we hardly ever think about what they are feeling. If people were to be more selfless and considerate of other's feelings, then I am sure that the there will be fewer teens committing suicide. Also, when someone gives up hope on living, it is up to the people around them, such as friends and family, to give them the support that they need to carry on. Teenage Suicide Teenage suicide is a major issue in todays society; suicide is the intentional taking of one's own life and is a momentous issue that should be addressed as quickly as possible. Teen suicide has been the topic of numerous news headlines; yet, It still continues to have a detrimental effect on todays youth.. There have also been numerous misconceptions about the leading cause of teenage suicide. Although there are a number of things that can cause someone to commit suicide, there is one main reason that has been proven to be the principal cause: mental illness.Some other the leading causes of suicide among teenagers include bullying, depression or anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, and sexual and physical abuse. At some point in most teens' lives, they will experience periods of sadness, worry and/or despair. While it is completely normal for a healthy person to have these types of responses to pain resulting trom loss. dismissal, or disillusionment, those with serious (otten undiagnose d) mental illnesses often experience much more drastic reactions.Many imes these severe reactions will leave the teen in despair, and they may feel that there Is no end In sight to their suffering. It is at this point that the teen may lose hope, and with the absence of hope comes more depression and the feeling that sulclde Is the only solution. It Isnt. Bullying is Indubitably becoming one of the leading causes of teenage suicide: In todays society, it isnt unheard of to hear news stories explaining how another teenager has committed suicide as a result of bullying.Bullying has been a major ontroversy In schools for countless years, and I believe that It will continue to be an issue for many years to come unless we do something about it. I do believe that people are beginning to take bullying more seriously than they have in past years: however, there is still a lot more that can be done In order to decrease the amount of bullying that takes place. Teens with bipolar disorder are more likely to commit suicide due to the fact that although they might teel tine a majority ot the time, there may also be times when they feel extremely depressed.Depression Is highly treatable, but the problem with a lot of teens is that they do not realize that they are depressed: therefore, they don't get the proper treatment needed to overcome depression. They dont realize that there are other solutions opposed to suicide, and they don't realize that the decision to commit sulclde as a result ot a short-term problem will have a long-term ettect that can never be reversed. When depression is properly treated, a persons thoughts on suicide become more coherent, and it is less likely for them to attempt suicide.Teen girls are statistically twice as likely as their male counterparts to attempt suicide. They tend to turn to drugs (overdosing) or to cut themselves, while boys are traditionally more successful In their sulclde attempts because they utilize more lethal methods such as guns and hanging. This method preference makes boys almost four times more successful in committing suicide. All In all, altnougn tnere are many tnlngs tnat can cause a person to commit sulc10e, mental illness is currently the primary reason.Suicide is preventable; anti- epressant drugs have proved to be highly effective in helping to thwart teens from committing suicide. The reason as to why so many teens think it is alright to bully and tease others is due to the fact that the repercussions are not stringent enough; therefore, bullying continues to happen. As IVe stated before, a majority of people planning to commit suicide give some type of warning signs that indicate that they might be planning to commit suicide. Through research, I have found that a lot, not all, of suicides that have occurred could have been prevented.While some teens uffer from depression and/or anxiety, others are victims of bullying or abuse. People need to realize that every single one of our actions will have a reaction, whether it is good or bad. When we bully and mistreat others, we hardly ever think about what they are feeling. If people were to be more selfless and considerate of other's feelings, then I am sure that the there will be fewer teens committing suicide. Also, when someone gives up hope on living, it is up to the people around them, such as friends and family, to give them the support that they need to carry on. Teenage Suicide Teenage suicide is a major issue in todays society; suicide is the intentional taking of one's own life and is a momentous issue that should be addressed as quickly as possible. Teen suicide has been the topic of numerous news headlines; yet, It still continues to have a detrimental effect on todays youth.. There have also been numerous misconceptions about the leading cause of teenage suicide. Although there are a number of things that can cause someone to commit suicide, there is one main reason that has been proven to be the principal cause: mental illness.Some other the leading causes of suicide among teenagers include bullying, depression or anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, and sexual and physical abuse. At some point in most teens' lives, they will experience periods of sadness, worry and/or despair. While it is completely normal for a healthy person to have these types of responses to pain resulting trom loss. dismissal, or disillusionment, those with serious (otten undiagnose d) mental illnesses often experience much more drastic reactions.Many imes these severe reactions will leave the teen in despair, and they may feel that there Is no end In sight to their suffering. It is at this point that the teen may lose hope, and with the absence of hope comes more depression and the feeling that sulclde Is the only solution. It Isnt. Bullying is Indubitably becoming one of the leading causes of teenage suicide: In todays society, it isnt unheard of to hear news stories explaining how another teenager has committed suicide as a result of bullying.Bullying has been a major ontroversy In schools for countless years, and I believe that It will continue to be an issue for many years to come unless we do something about it. I do believe that people are beginning to take bullying more seriously than they have in past years: however, there is still a lot more that can be done In order to decrease the amount of bullying that takes place. Teens with bipolar disorder are more likely to commit suicide due to the fact that although they might teel tine a majority ot the time, there may also be times when they feel extremely depressed.Depression Is highly treatable, but the problem with a lot of teens is that they do not realize that they are depressed: therefore, they don't get the proper treatment needed to overcome depression. They dont realize that there are other solutions opposed to suicide, and they don't realize that the decision to commit sulclde as a result ot a short-term problem will have a long-term ettect that can never be reversed. When depression is properly treated, a persons thoughts on suicide become more coherent, and it is less likely for them to attempt suicide.Teen girls are statistically twice as likely as their male counterparts to attempt suicide. They tend to turn to drugs (overdosing) or to cut themselves, while boys are traditionally more successful In their sulclde attempts because they utilize more lethal methods such as guns and hanging. This method preference makes boys almost four times more successful in committing suicide. All In all, altnougn tnere are many tnlngs tnat can cause a person to commit sulc10e, mental illness is currently the primary reason.Suicide is preventable; anti- epressant drugs have proved to be highly effective in helping to thwart teens from committing suicide. The reason as to why so many teens think it is alright to bully and tease others is due to the fact that the repercussions are not stringent enough; therefore, bullying continues to happen. As IVe stated before, a majority of people planning to commit suicide give some type of warning signs that indicate that they might be planning to commit suicide. Through research, I have found that a lot, not all, of suicides that have occurred could have been prevented.While some teens uffer from depression and/or anxiety, others are victims of bullying or abuse. People need to realize that every single one of our actions will have a reaction, whether it is good or bad. When we bully and mistreat others, we hardly ever think about what they are feeling. If people were to be more selfless and considerate of other's feelings, then I am sure that the there will be fewer teens committing suicide. Also, when someone gives up hope on living, it is up to the people around them, such as friends and family, to give them the support that they need to carry on.
Friday, August 30, 2019
To What Extent Does Democracy in the Uk Suffer?
Politics Essay To what extent does democracy in the UK suffer from a participation crisis? (25 marks) There are a lot of ways in which citizens can participate in politics in the UK without necessarily having to vote for example: joining a political party, boycotting, and even signing petitions and fund raising. However, there is an argument that there has been a participation crisis over the past years in the UK. A participation crisis is when less and less citizens take part in political activities; this can be shown in the decrease of voter turnout and the level of participation.On the other hand, there is an argument that there is in fact not a participation crisis because the turnout of voting is increasing and specific forms of participation are also on the rise. In this essay, I will be arguing whether or not the UK is suffering from a participation crisis and if we are suffering to what extent. The main concern about democracy in the UK comes from evidence of rising political apathy. Some people have seen this as nothing more than a ‘participation crisis’.Can democracy be classed as healthy when more and more voters every year seem to be unconcerned or reluctant to engage in political life? Deteriorating rates of voter turnout and falling levels of party membership despite there being opportunities for participation show evidence. There are three main reasons to show why there is a participation crisis in the UK. The first reason is the public. Due to people’s interest in materialism, individualism and lack of community, citizens fail to pull together and look out for each other, which decreases the interest and connection they have in politics.Decreasing rates in party membership and electoral turnouts is part of a process that’s seen less interest in political affairs as citizens seem to care more about themselves and family rather than their neighbours and society as a whole. The voting turnout over the past years has been inconsistent. During 1945 to 1992, the average turnout rate in the UK general elections was above 75 per cent. However in the 2001 general election, the turnout rate was 59 per cent, the lowest the turnout rate has ever been since 1918. This shows the interest citizens had in political affairs decreased drastically.The turnout rate did increase however, by the 2010 UK general election the turnout rate was at 65 per cent due to the first ever UK TV debate with the three party leaders: David Cameron, Gordon Brown and Nick Clegg even though it was still below the average turnout rate during 1945 to 1992. Similarly, party membership in the UK has also decreased over the years. For example the number of people that were registered to Labour party has fallen from over one million members in the mid 1950’s to around 166,000 members in 2009. Conservatives party membership has also fallen.The number of people that were registered to Conservative party has fallen from approx. 2. 8 mill ion members in the 1950’s to around 250,000 members in 2009. By 2007, less than 1 per cent of people across the UK belonged to political parties, from 7 per cent 50 years ago. This shows a decline in party membership which is caused by a decline in the voters’ loyalty towards political parties. Another reason why there is a participation crisis in the UK is the media. The media has a big impact and influence on citizens and the way they vote and support political parties.The media focuses on the political scandals, allegations, incompetence and policy failure of the parties which means that the good things about the leading politicians are forgotten about and the negative tend to be more popular. For example, the Sun newspaper has seemed to influence citizens about which party should be in power as each party the Sun has supported over the years has won in the general elections. This shows that the media has had an impact on citizens and their preferred party which cou ld be another reason why there is a participation crisis.The final explanation why there is a participation crisis in the UK is the politicians themselves. Politicians have been known to lack vision, and only really care about being elected in modern politicians and political parties as it is seen as just another professional career. Politicians have also been known to be over -concerned with the media and how they are portrayed rather than being concerned on how things are at the moment and what they can do to make things better.This creates an impression to citizens that politicians are less trustworthy and are all about presentation which causes turnout rates and party membership to decline. The growing idea for politicians to target key voters and citizens they feel might change parties is also a contribution to declining voter turnout rates as other citizens may feel like they aren’t as important or cared about and so decide to not vote or vote for a different party beca use the political parties are ignoring the voters in the majority of seats.The decline in participation rates may also be because of politicians and political parties being too similar to each other, which doesn’t give citizens much choice if both parties are appealing to the same targets and have the same policies. In previous years there were clear divides in the different parties and policies, which made it easier for citizens to choose which party they wanted in power. However for example, the Labour and Conservative parties have distanced themselves away from their traditional policies and targets and are now both focusing on Middle English citizens.In my opinion, there is much evidence for a participation crisis, although single issue politics is growing and pressure groups add to the democratic process as they give a voice to those who are ignored by the majority system. Party memberships have declined however pressure group memberships are growing. Voter turnout is de clining, fewer people feel naturally inclined to a particular party and even less take an active interest in politics due to rising income levels blurring class lines. Because pressure group membership, e petitions and direct action have increased I think this contradicts the idea of a participation crisis.To conclude, the British people have always been reluctant to get involved in democracy. Although forms of participation are constantly evolving; with the small minority who take a strong interest in politics turning more to action groups at the cost of parties, nothing has occurred since 1918 to change the fact that the majority give more priority to work, home, recreation and their private lives instead of public concerns. Many changes can be made to improve democracy however it may not work because Britons do not have an active involvement in politics.There are three main factors that could explain declining turnouts at election time, the electorate- society has become more mat erialistic, the media- they have caused enormous problems for the public to trust and put their faith in politics, and lastly politicians- they have done nothing to restore faith back into politics. The cause of participation crisis lies within the physical act of voting being out of touch with the public. Many of us are tied with jobs social life family life to find time to vote. Therefore voting becomes a burden.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Evolution of Aesthetic Medicine and its Implications on... | Bartleby
padding-top-2"> Throughout this century, the term natural beauty has taken a wide variety of definitions. Aesthetic treatments are rapidly becoming socially sought after in large urbanized communities, and this craze is rapidly progressing towards a flawless sales tactic for all cosmetic surgeons and media alikeâ€â€proclaiming that one should invest in themselves. What was once seen as treatment for individuals in dire need is now evolving into a marketable service rendered to those with the means to obtain it. It is clear that demand for aesthetic surgery has skyrocketed in recent years, an increase caused by modern marketing tactics, technological development, as well as the modern idea of individualism and self-expression through artificial body show more content One patient was satisfied with the results, but the other was unsure she wanted to undergo the procedure in the first place. This falls into the human understanding of using stereotypes in order to organize social worlds (Anonymous 2008). Some individuals still have a clouded perception on their motives for undergoing such procedures, and it is not until the damage has been done that feelings of regret occur. Media has created a massive social cult for several years by creating what is seen as the ideal physique, encouraging astray individuals to take extreme measures in order to conform. Another significant factor towards the recent increase of cosmetic surgery procedures is attributed to major technological advancements in recent years. Modern advances in technology have significantly decreased pain level as well as post-operation complications. Cosmetic surgeons are also widely available and offer competitive rates in many urban centers. The repackaging of cosmetic surgery as a business has also allowed for surgeons to advertise, which only adds to a consumer’s temptation. This allows clinics to offer financing and other methods of payment, significantly increasing the accessibility to such services. Advertising campaigns are often aggressive and commission-based, and some firms go as far as offering discounts on multiple procedures. These additional procedures extend the amount of time a patient spends under anesthesia, The Louisiana Purchase: Unconstitutional or Not? Essay | Bartleby padding-top-2"> It seems that since the beginning of history the actions of the government have always been criticized, especially in the sense of public spending. In the case of the Louisiana Purchase many political figures at the time it was created, as well as historians argue whether or not it was in fact a violation of the Constitution or not. This debate is still ongoing, but in order to analyze whether the Louisiana Purchase was unconstitutional or not, one must analyze the sequence of events leading to the acquisition of the territory by the United States. The Louisiana Purchase appeared to be the only solution to the United States anxiety over whether the French would try to control part of the land that many of the colonists were attempting to show more content It seems that since the beginning of history the actions of the government have always been criticized, especially in the sense of public spending. In the case of the Louisiana Purchase many political figures at the time it was created, as well as historians argue whether or not it was in fact a violation of the Constitution or not. This debate is still ongoing, but in order to analyze whether the Louisiana Purchase was unconstitutional or not, one must analyze the sequence of events leading to the acquisition of the territory by the United States. The Louisiana Purchase appeared to be the only solution to the United States anxiety over whether the French would try to control part of the land that many of the colonists were attempting to inhabit. Up through the Seven Years’ War France had claimed and was controlling a large portion of the territory west of the colonies. The French had claimed, by only began to settle in this expanse of land, but Spain soon obtained it through the 1763 Treaty of Paris. The Spanish did not settle this portion of land either. Since the 1780’s many American colonists’ goal was to move westward after the concept spread of Manifest Destiny (in which the colonists believed that it was their God given duty to occupy the land west of the original colonies). President Thomas Jefferson and many other U.S. officials began to become uneasy about the fact that France (who was now under the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte) would try to dominate the land Destiny, Fate and Free Will in Homer's Odyssey -... | Bartleby padding-top-2"> Odysseus’s Fulfills his Destiny in The Odyssey During Odysseus’s journey in The Odyssey, his own guile, the gods’ obstacles and their assistance for him affected his destiny. Odysseus uses his crafty sense of trickery and guile to get out of situations, which allow him to reach his destiny of returning home. Many times in The Odyssey the gods who dislike Odysseus set obstacles to try to stop him from returning home. However, there are gods who favor him and give him assistance to reach his homeland of Ithaca. Odysseus found himself in some dangerous situations during his journey but he was clever enough to think of ways to escape them. For example, when he encountered Polyphemus, Odysseus tricked him when he told show more content Instead of using his guile, Odysseus also has the power to prevent from being beguiled. An example of Odysseus using his power to not be beguiled was when he drank Circe’s potions but nothing happened because of Hermes’ herb. Circe shows her disbelief of Odysseus when she says, "I marvel much that drinking of these drugs you were not charmed. None, no man else, ever withstood these drugs who tasted them, so soon as they had passed the barrier of his teeth; but in your breast there is a mind which cannot be beguiled" (97). Once again Odysseus uses his creative techniques not to be tricked and he turns out safe. By using his guile and other techniques, Odysseus makes it through the gods’ obstacles, which test his destiny. In order for Odysseus to encounter and pursue his destiny, he must be tried and tested by obstacles put forth by gods or their offspring, such as Poseidon, the Sirens, and Polyphemus. One instance of this occurring was when Poseidon sent a storm in an attempt to capsize Odysseus’ boat. Poseidon shows his hate for Odysseus when he says, "I hope to plunge him into sufficient trouble" (50). Poseidon sets forth an obstacle to test Odysseus by making a huge storm in the seas to capsize and break up his boat. Without these obstacles put forth by the gods, Odysseus would have made it home without any trouble. The epithet, "Long-tried The Life of Charlotte Bronte - 798 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> Charlotte went through many crises. Her mother died when she was young, and she had to care for her younger siblings. Bronte could not go to school as a young child like everyone else; she had responsibilities. A few years later as she got older sisters died of tuberculosis, and she was left alone. Charlotte Bronte work tells the story of love, life, and death. Charlotte was born at Thorntorn, Yorkshire in 1816. She was the third daughter of Rev. Bronte and Maria Branwell. Charlotte had two sisters and 1 brother. The Bronte children were all great readers, and since they were isolated children they lived through literary fantasies. Living in their fantasy world the children had vivid imaginations, and they invented role-playing games, at times with the wooden toys, and other times in provisional costumes. Shortly after they were born their mother passed away in 1821. Four years after their mother passed Charlotte’s two sisters died of tuberculosis; they caught it in school. Charlotte Bronte had a really difficult life. She really had no one but her father and brother. Bronte and her brother became really close. Charlotte tried really hard to become successful but yet, she always ended up where she started from. Charlotte began working as a governess in different positions, but none lasted very long. Shortly after she and Emily went to Health Care Professionals Criminal Liability - 1529 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability of Nurses Christopher Ponciano September 27, 2010 Legal Issues in Health Care: Regulation and Compliance (HCS/430) University of Phoenix Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability of Nurses The health care field is a very complex workplace environment and the terminology like malpractice encompasses the negligence of health care professionals. In the past, there is a division that existed between physicians and nurses. Additionally, nurses had very defined framework, in which nurses are to wait after a patient have been seen by doctors and simply implements the physician’s order. In other words, nurses are not to diagnose, treat symptoms, or prescribe medications. In the show more content After the investigation, if the Board determines that the allegations have merit, then the complaint will proceed to an informal hearing. Eventually, the nurse receives a notification in regard to the allegation and the Board will schedule an informal hearing. The Board of Nursing’s attorney, the member of the board, and the nurse are present in the informal hearing. However, if the nurse has retained an attorney, then the attorney will be present during informal hearing. Additionally, before the informal hearing the defendant’s attorney will have the opportunity to discuss the gathered evidence and collect any evidence used during investigation process. The informal hearing starts with the Board of Nursing’s attorney opening statement and the nurse will have an opportunity to present his or her side. After the informal hearing procedure, the board member and the Board of Nursing’s attorney will discuss in private. Disciplinary action and criminal liability. Immediately after the hearing, recommendations are generally made. For example, recommendations can range from dismissal of the complaint, filing a formal charge, or an agreement to negotiate a consent order (Karno, 2005). Under the consent order, the nurse waives his or her rights to contest on the charged allegations or simply seek a review under administrative order. In addition, under consent order gives the nurse and his or her attorney the leverage to control any Fight Obesity With Diet and Exercise Essay - 899 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> As humans we are available to a mass assortment of foods that help us survive. These foods provide our bodies with nutrients to remain healthy and calories for energy. If we take in more calories than we burn off, the food then gets stored in our bodies as fat. If this happens regularly there is potential of becoming obese. Obesity means having excessive amounts of fat on the body. Obesity is the second leading cause, behind tobacco, of preventable deaths in the United States. More than half of Americans are overweight and almost one third are obese. There are abundant reasons people become obese including: emotions, genes, sex, age, and many others. There are also several ways to tell if a person is overweight or obese. Lastly there show more content Other eating disorders such as binge eating or bulimia may be associated with obesity. How can you tell if you are overweight or obese? There are a few ways to tell if you are obese, one being checking your body fat percentage. Many health professionals agree that men with more than 25% fat and women with more than 30% fat are considered obese. It is difficult to measure body fat percentage accurately. The methods used at health clubs and weight loss programs may not be accurate if done improperly, therefore special equipment is needed that is not found in many medical offices. People who gain weight around their waist have a higher risk of obesity-related health problems. Women with a waist size greater than 35 inches and men with a waist size greater than 40 inches are at higher health risk. Lastly, and the most effective way to tell if you are obese is by the body mass index or BMI. The BMI is used to check your weight relative to your height and is calculated by weight in pounds and height in inches. Body mass index is much like the body fat percentage but much easier to calculate. Being so much easier to calculate several care providers use it to identify obesity. To calculate your body mass index you must first multiply your weight by 705. Next, take that answer and divide it by your height in inches. Now take the current number and divide it by you height in inches once again. After the three steps are done you are left with your BMI. If your Essay about Oedipus the King and Oedipus Complex - 612 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> Oedipus Rex, is a Sophocles play, that according to Freud exemplifies a formative stage in a individuals psychosexual development. The psychosexual stages are the age related developmental periods in which sexual impulses are exerted through different bodily zones and then activities are associated with those areas in the bodily zones. These is when a young child will transfer his love object from the breast to the mother. When the child gives up the breast and moves to the mother it is known as the oral phase. The child then has the sexual desire for the opposite sex parent and will usually have hostility towards the same sex parent. During this time, the child will have a secret desire to show more content The boy then feels hostility and jealously towards his father, but then will come to realize that his father is much more powerful then he is. Freud says, â€Å" the boy will then experience castration anxiety which is the fear that his father will punish him by castration (Freud, 1993) .†Fixation at a particular stage may result If the developmental conflicts are not successfully resolved. He figured if this feelings were not successfully resolved then they would contribute to neuroses in later life. The only way anyone could resolve the Oedipus Complex and the anxieties from the complex , the boy ultimately will join force with the enemy by resorting to the defense mechanism of identification. Identification is a psychoanalytic theory that involves the ability to reduce the anxiety by imitating the behavior and characteristics of one individual. For instance, he would most likely imitate his fathers values, attitude and mannerisms. Girls ar e another way in which the Oedipus Complex could be resolved because girls usually identify with the same sex parent and then they develop a strong superego against urges. Freud considered this complex is be the cornerstone of superego and the nucleus of all human relationships. Oedipus in a way had this Oedipus Complex because
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Exploring World Religions For Health Care Professionals Assignment - 1
Exploring World Religions For Health Care Professionals - Assignment Example This paper will begin with the statement that almost all of us are associated with some religion or the other, and as for those who aren’t, are referred to as atheists. Religion can simply be explained as a set of value, a belief and cultural system, and various views that connect spirituality and moral values to the existence of humanity. Different religions have different symbolism, teachings, traditional variations, and histories all which have the purpose of making humanity understand the reason for its existence, and why this universe came into creation into the first place. According to very rough research, there are almost four thousand two hundred different types of religion in this world. A question that many people ask is why does religion exist and what its purpose is. One needs to know that two things, belief, and faith are inherently inbuilt in human nature, and they have been so since the beginning of times. Now if we go into a little bit more detail, some of the se beliefs have been properly organized or shaped into teachings, doctrines and properly organized structures which are set up in a hierarchal manner. Like the case is with any kind of organized structure, religion seeks to exist to preserve its existence and therefore all such acts related to it are ultimately focused towards survival and expansion in an exponential manner. It is quite a question to understand why the study of religion is important for humanity. Since the beginning of times, human beings have been in need of guidance. The Muslims were guided on how to lead their lives by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him), who was the last messenger of Allah on Earth and from the Quran, the Holy Book of Muslims which contains guidance and a code of life from Allah. Similarly, the Christians received guidance from Jesus Christ and believe in the teachings of the Bible, as they believe that their God communicated to them through the words of the Bible. All religions serve to guide its people as to how their lives, what to do and what not to and so on regarding almost all major issues of life. If one doesn’t have an understanding of a religion, then he would be doomed and lack knowledge, and pretty much lost as to what to do regarding various circumstances in life (Macmillan, 2004). In simple words, one does need to study religion so he has guidance, so he can distinguish between what’s good and bad for him, and so he knows how to deal with certain things when they come up in life. When we talk of religions, there aren’t many who don’t know about organized religions. Organized religion can simply be understood as a social institution which consists of a particular set of beliefs, rituals, and cultures which are not only arranged in a systematic manner but also established in a proper manner. Organized religions can also be understood as those religions that are known the world over by their name and to which people often associate t hemselves with legally and openly. Some well-known organized religions include Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Jews, and Buddhists. There are some characteristics that are common amongst all these religions. To start off, all of them talk about helping humanity, restricting people from engaging in war and harming others without any due cause. Moreover, all these religions press upon their followers to speak the truth and always take care of scarce resources as they are bound to deplete one day. Differences occur when it comes to religious practices and the hierarchy of leadership and rituals, but other than that, all religions promote peace and love amongst humanity. Most people also get confused between spirituality and religion. These are two very separate things and need to be understood very clearly.Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Self-strengthening movernment in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Self-strengthening movernment in China - Essay Example Modern scholars of Chinese national security questions would do well to give attention to a hundred-year period that marked a truly pivotal moment within that 4000-year span. The turning point in the Chinese history came in the nineteenth century, requiring as it does careful attention to the administration’s dealings with the great powers of Europe, the United States, and Japan. The Qing Dynasty which was in control more or less of the Empire since 1644, found itself at mid-century unable to ignore dealing with the foreign barbarians, and this required extensive review of its economic, diplomatic and military policies and procedures. The power to create change to these areas and modernize Chinese armed forces in particular can be remembered as the Self-Strengthening Movement1. The Self-Strengthening Movement, as the name indicates, advocated by a group of Qing officials who wanted to strengthen the weak leadership by learning technology from the western countries. The Self-St rengthening Movement was also a period of institutional reforms introduced during the late Qing Dynasty following a number of military defeats and concessions to western powers. Unfortunately, this movement can be considered as a failure because China did not be able to defend itself during the Sino-French and Sino-Japanese wars. The failure of the Self –Strengthening Movement can be connected to a number of reasons one being the limited number of skilled man power, which led to the collapse of the self-strengthening movement. Transmission of technology was small in 1881 when the project of sending boys to western countries like United States of America to study stopped. China did not realize that one of the real reasons was its corrupt system and government. There was wide spread corruption in the government of China which can be seen as a factor to the collapse of self-strengthening movement in China. An example is the Dowager Empress which spent over 30 million Taels of fu nds meant for the naval to constructing the Summer Palace for her own â€Å"amusement during retirement†as Hsu stated. The 30 million Taels meant to fund and support the navy of china. Hsu also noted that Li Hongzhang can be â€Å"not noted for high morals and character†. Apparently, Li left behind an estate estimated to be worth over 40 million Taels that the people close to him â€Å"milked and squeezed the factories and enterprises under their charge mercilessly.†Many more events led to the collapse of the self-strengthening movement in china one of them being the western merchants withdrawing their capital in China and ceasing to trade. The coastal merchants all became bankrupt and their original strength became extremely drained. The populace in turn, moved away and became vagrants. In some day, they may be frightened several times without being able to protect their own lives. The Chinese merchants even suffered more. In the self-strengthening movement w hich involved more wars, the Chinese merchants, merely caused trouble to themselves2. The Self-strengthening movement had a limited scope of activities to carry out. According to Hsu, the self-strengthening movement only went as far as improving â€Å"machines, ships, firearms, mining, light industry and communications. No efforts existed to integrate Western organizations, culture, arts, and philosophy.â€
Monday, August 26, 2019
Avian influenza Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Avian influenza - Essay Example The swine flu epidemic of 2009 made things look worse. Efforts since then had been consistently attempting to be ever-ready for an influenza epidemic through improving global surveillance and response capacity. The H5N1 avian flu virus was highly pathogenic and had caused disease widely in wild birds and poultry (CDC, 2009). It caused 408 human cases by February 2009. Guidance for testing of suspected human cases infected with pathological avian flu with H5N1 influenza virus were provided. Enhanced surveillance by local and national health care services was to continue. Cases were to be notified to the local and national authorities immediately a presumptive diagnosis is made. Follow-up of cases was a necessity. In the US, information had to be transferred to the CDC (CDC, 2009). Guidelines for diagnosis Testing and reporting guidelines had been established by the CDC. A person diagnosed presumptively with avian flu had to be hospitalized because it could end fatally. Another require ment for hospitalization was that the temperature of the patient would be equal to or more than 38Â °C. The patient could have any other respiratory illness like pneumonia or acute or severe respiratory illness (CDC, 2009). ... The infection was spread through droplet infection when in close contact. Procedure for diagnosis Clinicians needed to notify the local and higher authorities when a person was to be diagnosed using laboratory tests. Specific guidelines were also followed for the clinicians who performed the specimen collection and testing. Protective equipment for the clinicians was to be strictly used to prevent any contamination of the body parts with the suspected or confirmed person with H5N1 virus and when entering the room where aerosol generating procedures have been used where such a patient was lying in (CDC, 2009). The respiratory protector (N-95) filtering face mask, goggles, face shield, latex gloves, gown and head covering were all included (CDC, 2009). In the absence of a particulate respirator, other certified respirators like the NIOSH-certified N-, R-, or P-class respirators could be used. The aerosol-generating procedures could be done only with the N-95 respirator or powered air p urifying respirators (CDC, 2009). Bronchoalveolar lavage was a high-risk aerosol generating procedure which required excellent protection. If the clinician had a beard, a loose-fitting respirator could be used. The virus could be detected from the bronchoalveolar lavage, oropharyngeal swabs, or endotracheal aspirate as these specimens usually had the virus. The nasopharyngeal swab contained lesser virus so lower respiratory specimen should be taken (CDC, 2009). However nasopharyngeal swabs sufficed for detection of influenza viruses A and B. If most virus count needed to be isolated, multiple respiratory specimens from the same patient could be taken on other days too. The
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Oxygen cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Oxygen cycle - Essay Example Human processes like power generation, industrial processes and combustion engine all require heavy amount of oxygen. In fact, besides the demand of living organisms, vehicles require and power generation units have the second highest demand and consumption of oxygen. Photosynthesis, a process through which plants produce their own food with the help of sun light, is the process that replenishes oxygen in the atmosphere. Photosynthesis is the only natural process that produces oxygen to cover its shortage due to respiration and human energy needs. Large forests constantly produce oxygen and maintain its balance in the environment. Photosynthesis not only occurs on land but also in the seas and oceans, where marine plants produce oxygen not only for the marine life but also of the land creatures (Cloud and Gibor, 1970). Estimates by walker (1980) suggest that annual gain in oxygen, as the result of photosynthesis, is about 30,000 X 1010 Kg. In which, 16,500 X 1010 Kg is the gain in oxygen due to land photosynthesis, while; 13,500 X 1010 Kg gain in oxygen due to oceanic photosynthesis. Other processes like photolysis of nitrogen dioxide and water also contribute in producing oxygen. However, the contribution of both the photolysis processes is very little as compared to that of the photosynthesis (Walker,
Fiscal and Monetary Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fiscal and Monetary Policy - Essay Example Therefore, it would be government who has to come forward and prepare a discretional fiscal and monetary policy in collaboration with the central bank to reduce the expansionary or contractionary gap. On the other hand, the pundits of passive policy assumes that the current position of economy is quite stable such that the market forces can better interact with each other to achieve the equilibrium in the economy due to the presence of automatic stabilizers in the economy. Active policy is quite famous among the policymakers due to the fact that by apply this approach the economy can be steered to a particular direction in quick times. The active policy is mainly utilized by the existing presidents just before the elections in order to gain some short term advantages so that their chances of being elected for the next tenure can be increased. Another important strength of this approach is that generally this approach is presented to the public in a very decent manner by the central bank and the government, but in reality, both these institutions heavily emphasize on the passive approach which is the core tool behind stabilizing the economy after recessions. This policy can provide its best of the results when some sheered expert policymakers are given the command to formulate a policy to come out of the recession. When those policymakers sit together and think, they can use active policy as their premier tactic which can bring stability to the economy . The weaknesses of this policy mostly wipe out the strengths of active policy because of considerable difficulties which arises when this policy is to be formulated. The biggest weakness of this policy is the difficulty in estimating the future output level of the economy and the unemployment rate. Both these factors are hard to foresee and identify under this approach. Another important weakness
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Australiam curriculum Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Australiam curriculum - Term Paper Example From the provincial level, schools are estranged into districts and then into school boards (ACARA, 2011). It is in the school boards that local policies are made that must be in line with the curriculum from the provincial level. In Australia, all students are assured of equal chances to education unlike before. For instance, pregnant students were not allowed to go to school but this has changed and they can now attend learning institutions of their choice. The government has gone further to provide special schools for the physically disabled students for example, the deaf, blind, and crippled. They are no longer denied their rights to education like before and they can even sue the government if they are not attended to. The administration has put strong disciplinary measures which legally punish any student who goes against the school rules. Punishable behaviors include resistance to authority, use of abusive language, or any kind of behavior that the administration may consider a violation of the schools norms The ministry of education is responsible for organizing as well as supervising education at the primary, secondary, and vocational levels because there is no central department in the education system. Unlike other nations where learning is monitored at the federal government, in Australia, all the responsibility of supervising learning as well as assessing students’ and teachers’ performance takes place in the national level. The provincial education system can be compared to the territorial system although they differ in their assessment, curriculum, and education policies (ACARA, 2011). Education starts at the kindergarten which takes in children as young as five years. From the kindergarten, children proceeds to the elementary school at the age of 6 to 12 years then move to the junior high school. Normally, elementary school includes six grades although it can be extended to eight grades. Junior high school acts as a
Friday, August 23, 2019
CRJS315 U2IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
CRJS315 U2IP - Research Paper Example It is the nature of teenagers to be rebellious but has the society asked itself what causes all this. Reported cases of bad behavior and illegal practices are common among juveniles, and this is worrying (BartuschandBurfeind, 2011). Anomie is the scenario where a community does not offer any guidance or direction to the people. This is especially the case for the 21st century where everyone is busy looking for money and self-empowerment while disregarding the general cohesion and togetherness of the community (Welsh and Siegel, 2011). Anomie is caused when a society undergoes rapid changes in its underlying values due to e.g. the emergence of different social classes. When this happens, the general cohesion of the society is weakened leading to different chances for the individuals to access opportunities equally. The lack of opportunities especially on the side of the less fortunate, results in a lack of morals. This is because they are willing to do anything to have those chances. Some end up finding their lack but most never do and may end up detesting the well-off (Clark,2000). This usually leads to cases of bad behavior e.g. bullying, pickpocketing, petty thieves and even drug and substance abuse. In cases of college teenagers, the inequality among the students may cause some of them to be involved in exam malpractices (Peterson,2013). To them, it is available means to excel in class and make a better life for them especially if they come from poor backgrounds. The solution, therefore, as a probation officer, is to encourage the community that, even though people may be in different social classes, the general cohesion and togetherness of the people should be maintained (Nowinski, 2007). The other things would be to encourage them to ensure equal opportunity for everyone and prevent discrimination against because of anything. Be it because of their sexual orientation, gender, race, social class or anything,
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Rin vs Tide Essay Example for Free
Rin vs Tide Essay In the first move of its kind by HUL, homecare brand Rin has openly taken on rival P6s Tide, without the typical airbrushing or pixellation to hide the rival brand name on TV and ads on radio. The current high profile aggressive stand of Rin has a background story. There was a proxy war going on between Rin and Tide since December 2009. In order to retain its market share, in December PG introduced a low-cost detergent, Tide Natural, claiming in its ads that it provided whiteness with special fragrance. The product was positioned against HI-ILs Rin and Wheel. Tide Naturals was priced significantly ower to the Rin. Tide Naturals was launched at Rs 50 per Kg , Rs 10 for 200 gms and Rs 20 for400 gms. Rin was priced at Rs 70 per Kg at that time. The reduced price of the Tide variant was an immediate threat to Rin. Since Tide already has an established brand equity, Rin was bound to face the heat. Although HUL had another low priced brand Wheel priced at Rs 32/Kg, Tide was not in the same category of Wheel. Rin had to cut the price to resist the market share erosion. HUL was facing a steady erosion in the market share in most of the categories. In the detergent category itself, he brand faced a market share fall of 2. 5% in December 2009. With P;G starting a price war, HUL had to react and it did by cutting the price of Rin by 30% to Rs 50 per Kg. HUL also reacted to the Tide Naturals price war in a Guerrilla Marketing way. It took PG to the court regarding the Tide Naturals advertisement. The contention was that Tide Naturals was giving the impression to the consumers that it contained natural ingredients like Sandal. The court ordered P;G to modify the campaign and While P;G opened a war in the price front, HUL retaliated by opening two war fronts. One was the direct comparative ad and other through the court order asking P;G to modify Tide Naturals Ad and to admit that Tide Naturals is not Natural. So we can that HUL retaliated with an aggressive two-pronged strategy. * First, it challenged Tides claim of whiteness with special fragrance in the Chennai High Court, which passed an order on 25 February 2010 (CS 189/2010), directing PG to modify the advertisement since it was not really able to substantiate the claim of whiteness with special fragrance. The court has granted an injunction and directed PG to respond within three weeks. Three days later on 28 February, HUL launched an aggressive TV campaign aired during prime time It was Rin which won the Round 1 of this war. It generated enough Buzz about the brand with all the media talking about the campaign. Rin was also able to neutralize the aggression of PG to certain extent. Tide chose not to respond because further fuel to the fight can highlight the fact that Tide Naturals does not contain any Natural Ingredients which may negatively affect the brands standing in the consumers mind. So it is better to play the role of a poor victim at this point of time. PG can celebrate because of the free advertisement it got for Tide Naturals because of the comparative ad of Rin. Although Indian marketing world have seen lot of comparative ads, the Rin Vs Tide is a rare case of direct comparative ad where the brand has taken the competitor brands name and challenging it head on. That is the main reason behind the media noise about the campaign. PG India always was a laid back competitor in the FMCG market. Despite having the product portfolio and market strength, it never realized its potential. The company was happy with their minuscule market share in the various categories in the FMCG usiness. For television viewers, it was hard to miss the now infamous Rin commercial, which was unleashed on Indian television screens on Thursday (February 25, 2010). Perhaps bombardment would be a better word: the high-voltage TVC was supported by a media plan that included primetime slots across all major GECs and news channels, in an effort to deliver maximum impact over the long weekend. The ad shows two mothers waiting at a bus stop for their children, who are returning from school. They spot each others shopping baskets one womans basket sports a packet of Rin, while the other has purchased Tide Naturals. The Tide lady looks proudly at her purchase and brags about Tides khushboo aur safedi bhi offering When the school bus rounds the corner and drops off the two children, the Tide ladys boy is wearing a visibly dull shirt, while behind him emerges a boy clad in a spotless white shirt, who runs past the shocked Tide lady, over to his Rin mother. To make things cheekier, the boy asks his mother, Aunty chaunk kyun gayi? (Why is aunty so shocked? ), where the word chaunk could easily be a reference to Tides punch line, Chaunk gaye? The voiceover concludes that Rin is behtar or superior to Tide, when it comes to whiteness, and at a chaunkane wala price of Rs 25, at that. A super, Issued in the interest of Rin users, completes the commercial. Comparative advertising is, quite obviously, not a new phenomenon by any standards. Every other brand has dabbled with it at some point, while it is almost formulaic for some categories. However, to make comparisons with competition involves discretion in execution, such as air-brushing or pixelating a competitors brand name/pack shot, and most definitely, keeping away from referring to rival brand names. With this ad, however, Rin seems to have broken every rule in the book. But what may seem like a publicity stunt to some, is, in all probability, a well-thought out strategy on the part of Rins makers, Hindustan Unilever (HUL). There are two debatable issues in this advertisement: * The advertisement clearly shows a packet of Tide Naturals, which has green packaging and is a cheaper extension of Tide, which orange packaging) whereas the woman in the commercial says Tide se kahin behatar safedi de Rin (Rin gives better whiteness than Tide)- Does this amount to misleading the public as per the Indian Law? At the end of the advertisement, a line is displayed on the bottom stating hat this claim is based on laboratory tests done through globally accepted protocols in independent third-party laboratories and Schematic representation of superior whiteness is based on Whiteness Index test of Rin Vs Tide Naturals as tested by Independent lab .
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Case Study Food Restaurant Management Marketing Essay
Case Study Food Restaurant Management Marketing Essay Jack Sprat is the owner of seafood restaurant in a coastal town. He is 63 year old and doctor has advised him to take rest so he had appointed a Manager to look after the business operations and he use to come to see the business once in a week. But once he handed over the business to the manager his business is not doing well and there is continuous decline in the business. So in order to find remedy owner has approached to the investigator to analyse the case and suggest as what should be done to bring back the business of the restaurant. The investigator has analyzed the business with the tools of business (case) analysis-SWOT and further financial data has also been taken into consideration to find out the declining trend and come to a conclusion as why business is going down. In order to evaluate the business operation and put the findings in the report the investigator has done extensive research-secondary research and analysed the case with his valuable suggestions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The investigator would like to convey his gratitude to those entire people who helped him to enhance his understanding of the case and analyzed the situation so that a valid conclusion of the case can be drawn. The investigator has completed this case successfully and has presented his findings with suggestion in this report. So author would like to thank the Module tutor for kind support and guidance. INTRODUCTION Jack Sprat is 63 year old owner of 60 seat licensed seafood restaurant that is situated in a coastal town. Before starting this business Jack was simply a Manager at a local Bluebeckers Restaurant. But an inheritance left this restaurant to him. Since the opening of this restaurant business it has given very good return. The belief of Jack towards success of this business is the Maintenance of high standards in food production and presentation. Other fact is Menu and beverage list has been fairly constant since beginning of this restaurant. Jack did not change menu and beverage list because business was giving modest return since beginning. But jack is not regular to the restaurant so he has appointed a Manager to manage the business operation and he used to come to the restaurant to see the business operation once in a week. This is because at this age (63) he has been suffering from health problem and his doctor has advised him to take rest. But business of this restaurant has gone down as soon as it was handed over to the manager. Absenteeism of the staff has increased. Keeping in mind the remedy of the situation author has established aim and objectives of this report, here are the aim and objectives written in detail: Aim of this report is to find remedy of the existing problem or discrepancies of the restaurant and give valuable suggestions to overcome from these problems so that business can be put on its old pattern-profitable. Objectives are: Finding most important problems Identification of further information that would be helpful in making realistic plans for the future of the business To list the priorities Drawing an action Plan The structure of this report is as follows: First of all main body has been presented wherein SWOT other detailed analysis has been done. Then conclusion has been drawn and bibliography (list of references) has been given followed by appendix section where additional information has been provided. MAIN SECTION Before providing solution of anything one has to find the problems first. So to find problems related to Jack Spart business the investigator has conducted SWOT analysis and financial analysis. Before going for the SWOT analysis of the business concerned it is important to understand SWOT first. SWOT ANALYSIS is the detailed search and listing of factors from situational analysis that might or will impact the businesss strategy. Strategic marketing is based on the SWOT analysis. The process by which SWOT factors are derived is to carefully review the internal analysis for strengths and weaknesses, and the environmental analysis for opportunities and threats, and to then record. (Reich, Z.A, 1997) According to Morrison, J (2002) The SWOT analysis is a commonly used planning tool, which assesses the firms strategic profile in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Focusing on both internal and external environments, it serves to highlight a firms distinctive competences, which will enable it to gain competitive advantage. Based on the above information from the scholars it is true that business environment can be divided into two part-internal and external environments. Internal environment consists of all factors that are internal part of the business. These internal factors are within the control of the business. Strength and Weaknesses of the business can be found in the internal environment of the business. External factors are those factors which are not within the control of the business and to be into existence business houses have to change in internal policy and adjust itself to cope with the external environment factors. Opportunities and Threats are the factors that are part of external environment of a business. For SWOT analysis please refer to appendix1..SWOT ANALYSIS.docx FINANCIAL ANALYSIS REVENUE (SALES) POINT OF VIEW: Food sales has increased in 2007-8 by 4.3% compared to 2006-7, and it has gone down in the financial year 2008-9 by 3.95% compared to 2007-8 sales of food. Liquor Sales has increased in 2007-8 by 5.97% compared to 2006-7 and further it increase by 15.59% in the year 2008-9 compared to 2007-8. Overall Total Sales has been increasing in the financial year by 4.67% in the financial year 2007-8 compared to 2006-7, and further increased by 6.57% in the financial year 2008-9 compared to 2007-8. DIRECT COST POINT OF VIEW: In the financial year 2006-7 food cost was 42.05% of its sales and in 2007-8 it became little favorable by going down to 41.16% of its sales figure and in the year 2008-9 in again gone up to 43.63% Direct cost of Liquor is 59.72% of its sales in the financial year 2006-7, and 57.70% in 2007-8 and further 57.91% in 2008-9. So its favorable as it is in declining trend. Total direct cost is 54.01%, 55.11% and 52.88% in the financial year 2006-7, 7-8, and 2008-9 respectively which also seems favorable because in 2007-8 it gone little up but again it gone down by good margin-around 2 to 3% GROSS PROFIT POINT OF VIEW: Gross profit of food is 57.95%, 58.84% and 56.37% in the financial year 2006-7, 7-8, 8-9. This shows increase in 2007-8 and further decline in 2008-9. Gross profit of Liquor is 40.28%, 42.30% and 42.09% in the financial year 2006-7, 2007-8, and 2008-9 respectively. Overall it is in favorable trend. Gross profit in the financial year 2006-7 is 54.01%, 55.11% in 2007-8 and 52.88% in 2008-9 which seems declining trend. In the year 2007-8 it gone up but in 208-9 it came down. This is because there was declining of sales of food in the financial year 2008-9 by 3.95%, otherwise sale of liquor in this financial year was good and direct costs were also behaving favorably. INDIRECT EXPENSES POINT OF VIEW: There are three component of indirect expenses-labour, overheads and operating expenses and maintenance expenses. Amount spent in labour is in increasing order i.e., 29.76%, 31.51% and 33.21% in the year 6-7, 7-8, and 2008-9 respectively. This shows restaurant is spending more % every year in its staffing. Overheads and operating expenses seems within control as its 8.78%, 7.21% and 8.36% in the year 2006-7, 2007-8, and 2008-9 respectively. Maintenance expenses is 1.61% of sales in the financial year 2006-7, 1.40% in the financial year 2007-8 and 0.91% of sales of financial year 2008-9. This shows that organization is spending very less on maintenance expenses. Overall total indirect expenses is 40.15% of its sales in the financial year 2006-7, 40.12% in 2007-08 and gone up in the financial year 2008-9 to 42.48% NET PROFIT POINT OF VIEW: Net profit is 13.86%, 14.99% and 10.40% in the financial years 2006-7, 7-8, and 8-9 respectively. This shows that Net profit has going down, and in the financial year it has gone down with huge gap compared to previous years percentage. Overall its a matter of discussion and management should pay attention to the indirect costs as percentage of indirect cost is very high. As gross profit is in 50% so almost 40% of sales are being spent for indirect expenses. Although management is not spending much in maintenance component of indirect expenses but other components i.e., overhead and operating expense, and payroll expenses are very high that is the reason Net profit of the restaurant is not attractive. For further information please refer to financial ratios table in appendix2..FINANCIAL ANALYSIS.docx Aim and objective No.1: Finding important problems: Operational System A sales forecast is a prediction based on past sales performance and an analysis of expected market conditions. The true value in making a forecast is that it forces us to look at the future objectively. The hotel can takes note of the past and stay aware of the present and precisely analyzes that information to see into the future. It will also help the hotel to establish policies so that one can easily monitor prices and operating costs to guarantee profits, and make one aware of minor problems before they become major problems. Employee Morale Employee morale describes the overall outlook, attitude, satisfaction, and confidence that employees feel at work. When employees are positive about their work environment and believe that they can meet their most important needs at work, employee morale is positive or high which can lead to better service and customer retention. Since there is an increase in absenteeism in restaurant employee morale can be increased by treating employees with respect, recognition and empowering them. Menu choice is stale and boring Redesign menu to increase the average spend of the hotel customers, correctly categorize the items on the menu, improve the food presentation, increase food and beverage cost and thereby increase sales at the same time. Maintenance and Hygiene problem The organization is spending very less on maintenance expenses. In any food establishments, food handlers are either the first line of defense or the cause for the need for defense. This is because most types of foods can be contaminated and it is the responsibility of the food handler to ensure the safety of the consumers by eliminating or minimizing the contamination to safer levels for consumption.  The restaurant needs to have rules and procedures in place to ensure that Personal Hygiene is effectively managed. Aim and objective No.2: Identification of further information that would be helpful in making realistic plans for the future of the business: Information needed towards market segmentation-target market: Information to the case is very important to analyze any businesss health or problem. It is equally important like medical tests are important for human body for remedy of any kind of complain of a patient. There are other tests or scanning is needed for business analysis. Market segmentation is one of them. Market segmentation: market consists of buyers who differ in one or more ways. They may differ in their wants, resources, locations, buying attitudes and buying practices. Because buyers have unique needs and wants, each buyer is potentially a separate market. Ideally, then a seller might design a separate marketing program for each buyer. For example a caterer can customize the menu, entertainment, and the setting to meet the needs of specific clients. However, most companies are unable to offer complete segmentation. The cost of complete segmentation is high and most customers cannot afford completely customized products. Companies therefore, look for broad class of buyers who differ in their product needs or buying responses. The restaurant industry offers many examples of segmentation by a variety of variables. (kotler,p 2004) The reason why knowledge of market segmentation is needed because until unless it is not known that which segment is being targeted by the organization concerned (in this case Restaurant of Jack Sprat), it would be very difficult to compare the strength of that segment for the business. In this case it is not given in the case so its important to analyse this business from its segment point of view. Information Needed for competitors analysis: To get success of the business its needed to deal with customers, suppliers, employees, and others. In almost all cases there will also be other organizations offering similar products to similar customers. These other organizations are competitors. Objective of the other organizations is the same as yours to grow, make money and succeed. Effectively, the businesses are at war fighting to gain the same resource and territory; the customer. And like in war, it is necessary to understand the enemy: How he thinks; What his strengths are; What his weaknesses are; Where he can be attacked; Where the risk of attack is too greatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. And so on. And like in war, the competitor will have secrets that can be the difference between profit and loss, expansion or bankruptcy for the business. Identifying these secrets is thus crucial for business survival. ( accessed on 2/01/2011 Other information needed is about its competitors. Information of competitors is very important to know the business of competitors and further business concerned can be compared with the competitors. So competitor analysis is very important. Aim and objective No.3: To list the priorities: First of all instant action should be taken to solve Hygiene problem. Proper forecasting of guests so that underproduction and overproduction both can be kept under control Extra manpower has to be reduced so that there will be less burden on payroll cost Choice of menu has to be increased Manager should be empowered or can be changed (as information is not given properly and in detail so it is impossible to say to change) Somehow owner has to be in touch even over the phone to monitor the business operation and if possible frequency to visit may be increased. Local bank should be approached for short term loan for the refurbishment activities. Aim and objective No.4: Drawing an Action Plan: Action plan is a process that includes assessments of own strengths, available resources and market opportunities. There must be idea about marketing objective of the organization concerned then a plan can be prepared and further implemented to achieve the determined objective. In other words these informations are basic and needed at very first step towards making action plan: Market and trading environment of the business concerned Decision about market business is targeting to Knowledge about differentiation or advantage of uniqueness of own product and services Deciding marketing mix Estimation of Fund etc. ACTION PLAN: PRODUCT: Option in Menu list will be given PRICING : May charge little higher than what has been charging PROMOTION: There is need to promote the product and create awareness to remove the negative image of the organization. So it can be done through normal aids of advertisement-Newspapers or T.V Channels. Through T.V Channels it may be a little costly affair in that point of view daily is better. Other Actions to be taken: It could have opened even on Sunday to attract customers who want to utilize their holidays. So it will be open all 7 days. Funds should be managed instantly- It can be done by approaching Commercial Banks for short term loans. Refurbishment will have to be done as soon as loan is approved. Employees have to be re-motivated so that absenteeism of staff can be kept under control. CONCLUSION The investigator has analysed the case of Jack Sprats restaurant and found that major problem is its hygiene and maintenance and indirect expenses. These two factors have to be kept under control and converted into favorable mode only then this organization can earn profit like previous time. There are other areas also that needs attention i.e., arrangement of fund, manpower management, empowering manager etc. BIBLIOGRAPHY Britton, C and Worthington. I (2003) The Business Environment, 4th Edition, UK:Prentice hall. Hooley.G(2004) Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 3rd Edition: UK: Prentice Hall Kotler, P. (2004) Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, 3rd Edition, Delhi:Person Luck.D and Rubin, S.R (1996) Marketing Research,7th Edition, USA:Prentice hall Morrison, J (2002) The International Business Environment, 1st Edition, New York; Pal Grave. Reich, Z.A (1997) Marketing Management for the Hospitality Industry,1st Edition,: Wiley and Sons Canada. Wearne.N (2001) Hospitality Management, 1st Edition, New Delhi: Global Accessed on 2/01/2011 Accessed on 2/01/2011 APPENDIX 1 SWOT : Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat Analysis of Seafood Restaurant Business of Jack Sprat STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES It is an established organization Maintaining high standard in food and presentation Customers feel that restaurant is conveniently placed and charges reasonable price Owner is not able to give full time attention to the business Maintenance and Hygiene problem Menu choice is stale and boring OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Restaurant is old so having established market Market Image is good- reasonable price and consistent standard Dilution of market share due to inability to refurbish Environment Health officer may not be informal in future and there will be time when formal notice will be issued.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Electronic Structure and Spontaneous Polarization in BiFeO3
Electronic Structure and Spontaneous Polarization in BiFeO3 Electronic structure and spontaneous polarization in multiferroic bulk BiFeO3 Z. Mahhouti 1,2,3,* , H. El Moussaoui 1 , M. Hamedoun 1 , M. El Marssi 3 , A. Lahmar 2 , A. El Kenz 2 , and A. Benyoussef 1,2,4 Abstract: The electronic structure, magnetic properties and spontaneous polarization in Bismuth ferrite BiFeO3 are investigated using first-principle calculations. The computed results show that the ground state of bulk BiFeO3 is rhombohedral R3c symmetry with G-type antiferromagnetic ordering and insulating, the computed results are in good agreement with available experiments. The electronic structure has been studied using the full potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method within generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and modified Becke-Johnson potential (mBJ). Therefore, the finding band gap value is equal to the experimental value (Eg=2.5 eV) and much better than other theoretical values, the local magnetic moment at the Fe atoms reaches the experimental value and it is in good agreement with previously reported theoretical, with the large atomic displacement the modern theory of polarization predicts a large spontaneous polarization in multiferroic bulk BiFeO3. INTRODUCTION The multiferroic term denotes the coexistence of several ferroic orders (ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, and ferroelastic) in one material[1], coupled or not. Multiferroic materials are very rare because the origins of ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism are hardly compatible as shown by Hill et al.[2][3]. However, there are some exceptions such as La0.1Bi0.9MnO3 which is ferroelectric below 770 K and ferromagnetic below 105 K[4]. The definition of multiferroic has therefore been extended to materials with antiferroic orders such as BiFeO3 which is ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic.    Bismuth ferrite BiFeO3 (BFO) is one of the few magnetoelectric multiferroics who has simultaneously ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic orders under ambient conditions of temperature and pressure. Indeed, its high Curie temperature (TC = 1103 K)[5] and Nà ©el temperature (TN = 643 K)[6] provide a wide range of applications at different temperatures[7] such as spintronics, data storage and microelectronic devices[8][9], In addition, a magnetoelectric coupling is possible at room temperature. Recently, BFO has seen a considerable increase in interest since the discovery of a much better spontaneous polarization, greater than 150  µC/cm2, when the material is grown in thin layers[10]. This discovery aroused great enthusiasm among the scientific community who wanted to explain the origin of some phenomenon and explore this material again. The phase diagram established according to the reference[11] shows the succession of three phases with increasing of temperature denoted à ¯Ã‚  ¡, à ¯Ã‚  ¢,and à ¯Ã‚  §, respectively. In its bulk form and at room temperature, BFO has a distorted perovskite structure with rhombohedral symmetry and space group R3c (a = b = c = 5.63 Ã…, à ¯Ã‚  ¡ = 59.4 °)[12][8]. The primitive unit cell contains two formula units (ten atoms), each Fe atom is surrounded by six antiparallel spin neighbors, the magnetic moments are oriented perpendicularly to the [111] direction, which leads to develop a G-type antiferromagnetic order on the whole of the material. However, new observations have revealed that the direction in which antiferromagnetism manifests rotates through the crystal[13]. This noncollinearity propagates within the material with a period from 620 Ã… to 640 Ã…[13][14] and superimposes on the G-type antiferromagnetic order. As the noncollinearity is quite minimal , the simplification to a collinear magnetic structure is possible[15]. In this paper, the noncollinearity effects were not taken during our calculations. Since BFO is grown as a thin layers, the material may undergo a compressive or extensive stress due to the difference between the primitive cell of the material in its bulk form and those of the monocrystalline substrate, the small grown thickness is able to accept any relaxation of the structure. This can cause changes in the structure parameters of the crystal compared to its bulk form. However, other experimental works[16][17] showed that even BFO grown in thin layers, retains its rhombohedral symmetry. For a long time BFO considered too low to be exploitable ( Ps = 6.1  µC/cm2 ) according to the first measurements of Teague et al.[5], the ferroelectricity of BFO was studied again following the results of Young et al.[10] on thin layers of BFO ( Ps = 158  µC/cm2). However, many experimental studies carried out during this period gave a confusing results, the spontaneous polarization varying from 2.2  µC/cm2 [18] to 158  µC/cm2 [10]. The study of the ferroelectricity of BFO is a concrete example to combine experimental results and theoretical calculations. In this case, the calculation methods allow to explain the difference between the first measured values of bulk BFO and those obtained on the same material grown in thin layers. In this paper, we study in detail the magnetic properties of bulk BFO, while considering a G-type antiferromagnetic order. But it is necessary to determine first the electronic configuration and to calculate the band gap, in order to understand and obtain the theoretical model which corresponds to the reality of the material, and then to determine the spontaneous polarization using modern theory of polarization. METHOD The calculations which we present in the remainder of this paper use the density functional theory (DFT) implemented in WIEN2k code. The interactions between electrons and ions are described in the framework of full potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method. As the 3d electrons in transition -metal Fe atom are incompletely filled, the spin density approximation was employed withinstry the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) form of the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and modified Becke-Johnson potential (mBJ). The new version of the exchange potential, proposed for the first time by the Becke and Johnson[19], was recently published by Tran and Blaha[20]. The modified Becke-Johnson potential (mBJ) proposed by Tran and Blaha is: With is the electronic density, is kinetic energy density and is the potential of Becke-Roussel. In this work, the mBJ potential is used in combination with the GGA-PBE approximation to compute the electronic structure, magnetic properties and spontaneous polarization in multiferroic bulk BFO. Our calculations do not include the spin-orbit interactions and the noncollinearity effects. The mesh of the first Brillouin zone in the reciprocal space was carried out using a 4 x 4 x 4 Monkhorst-Pack k-points grid. The structural parameters of BFO in space group R3c ( i.e, the lattice constant and atomic positions ) are considered as calculated by Wang et al.[8] as given from Kubel et al.[12]. The results of relaxing the cell volume, rhombohedral angle, and atomic positions within the R3c symmetry in reference[8] show that there is an alternation of Bi3+ and Fe3+ ions along the [111] axis; Each of these atoms is surrounded by six oxygen atoms, which thus form an octahedron around each cat ion. Inside the octahedron FeO6, the Fe3+ ion is outside the FeO2 plane (forming the base of the octahedron), which leads a distortion of the octahedron. The calculation of the spontaneous polarization using the modern theory of polarization is carried out by determining the difference in polarization between two symmetry (The non-centrosymmetric phase R3c which is ferroelectric and the centrosymmetric phase R-3c supposed paraelectric). In order to evaluate the polarization of the structure studied, we must therefore use a structure (centrosymmetric) as a reference with the same unit cell as the real structure (non-centrosymmetric), but its atomic positions do not induce electrical dipoles. Energetically, these two structures are very close, which confirms our choice of R-3c symmetry as a centrosymmetric reference. They differ by the addition of a center of inversion within the symmetry, and the passage from one symmetry to the other is due to the displacement of the atoms along the [111] direction which is accompanied with a rotation of the FeO6 octahedra perpendicular to the same direction. This evolution of the paraelectric phase t o the ferroelectric phase allows us to explain the birth of ferroelectricity within the bismuth ferrite BFO and to reproduce it efficiently in our calculations. The modern theory of polarization was applied for the first time to compute the ferroelectricity within the cubic perovskite-type KNbO3. The results obtained ( à ¯Ã‚ „P = 35  µC/cm2 [21][22]) showed excellent agreement with the experimental data ( à ¯Ã‚ „P = 37  µC/cm2[23]). Other studies were carried out subsequently, confirming the reliability of this method with respect to the experimental reality. Today, the modern theory of polarization is widely used. Results and Discussion Electronic and magnetic properties In this section, we study the electronic structure of bulk BFO in ferroelectric R3c structure, considering the relaxing values of cell parameter, rhombohedral angle and atomic positions by Wang et al.[8]. We computed and plotted the band structure and electronic state densities with the same parameters mentioned at the paragraph II. The band gap value are calculated using mBJ potential in combination with the GGA-PBE approximation, our calculated band gap value is the same as the value measured by Gao et al.[24] from the UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectrum witch is equal to 2.5 eV, our computed band gap is much better than other theoretical works such as Neaton et al.[15] who found an indirect band gap of 0.4, 1.3, and 1.9 eV using LSDA+U approximation with U=0, 2, and 4 eV, respectively. The same for Tà ¼tà ¼ncà ¼ et al.[25] they found an indirect band gap of 0.9, 1.4, and 2.1 eV using LSDA+U approximation with U=0, 2, and 4 eV, respectively. Our band structure results (Fig.1 ) indicate an indirect band gap of approximately 2.5 eV witch is in excellent agreement to the experimental measurement of about 2.5 eV [24][26]. Therefore, this equality between our calculated band gap and the experimental value confirms the insulating character of bulk BFO. In order to understand why the magnetic moments of the Fe atoms were arranged antiparallel within bulk BFO, we relaxed it according to different magnetic configurations: paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, and antiferromagnetic. The ground-state energy of the various possible magnetic configurations shows that the G-type antiferromagnetic configuration is the one which offers the material its greatest stability. FIG. 1. Calculated band structure for rhombohedral BiFeO3. FIG. 2. Calculated total density of states for rhombohedral BiFeO3. Calculated density of state (Fig.2) for R3c BFO indicates an identical distribution between electronic states up and down, which clearly exhibits the antiferromagnetic order of the material, in this case the antiferromagnetic order can only be G-type. The Fe atoms along the [111] axis have a local magnetic moment of 4.02 ÃŽÂ ¼B comes from 3d states, this value is much better than 4.25 ÃŽÂ ¼B and 4.17 ÃŽÂ ¼B reported by Tà ¼tà ¼ncà ¼ et al.[25] using LSDA+U with U = 4 and 6 eV, respectively. Therefore, our computed local magnetic moment of Fe atoms is very close to the measurement value of about 3.75ÃŽÂ ¼B [27]. FIG. 3. Atomic projection of electronic PDOS for rhombohedral BiFeO3. Figure 3 shows atomic projected electronic density of states (PDOS) around the ban gap region for both spin channels. The results suggest that the valence band are predominantly formed by Fe 3d states, hybridized with a contribution from O 2p states. Conduction band states are occupied by a large amount of Fe 3d states, hybridized with a small contribution of Bi 6p states that also contains a significant amount of O 2p states. Spontaneous polarization The spontaneous polarization was calculated within bulk BFO using the ferroelectric structure R3c and the hypothetical centrosymmetric phase R-3c. The centrosymmetric phase must be judiciously chosen, in order to found the difference of ferroelectric polarization between the centrosymmetric and non-centrosymmetric phases less than the quantum of polarization, Where is the electronic charge, is a lattice vector in the direction of polarization, and is the volume of the unit cell. Our calculations have shown that centrosymmetric phase R-3c is the structure closest to the ferroelectric structure R3c, both energetically as well as structural. This symmetry differs from the R3c only by the addition of a center of inversion. The transition from the paraelectric to the ferroelectric phase was characterized by a large displacement of the atoms along the [111] axis and a rotation of the FeO6 octahedra. Therefore, we expect that the spontaneous polarization develops along the [111] axis. In order to calculate the difference of polarization, we have considered that the transition from paraelectric to ferroelectric phase was done adiabatically and continuously. In this way, each atom moves along a path divided into segments of equal length. This method allowed us to follow the evolution of the spontaneous polarization during the whole paraelectric-ferroelectric transition. Throughout the paraelectric-ferroelectric transition, it is imperative to avoid any external contribution to symmetry, such as compression or expansion of the unit cell (in this case we do not calculate the real spontaneous polarization). For this reason, the structures used for our calculations have the same cell parameters, only the atomic positions were shifted. The modern theory of polarization compute the both, ionic and electronic contribution to the spontaneous polarization using the sum of the Wannier centers of the occupied bands. Our results showed that the spontaneous polarization developed along three directions, and was 58.8  µC/cm2 along each axis, resulting a spontaneous polarization of 101.1  µC/cm2 along the [111] axis which is in full agreement with the spontaneous polarization calculated by Neaton et al.[15] using LSDA+U. Early measurements on bulk BFO single crystals[5] found a small polarization of about 6.1  µC/cm2. On the other hand, many experiment studies on thin film samples of BFO showed a large spontaneous polarization of about 100-158  µC/cm2 [16][10]. The anomalously early value was caused by several explanations. First, the authors[5] indicated that their hysteresis loops were not saturated. Second, maybe the small value limited by the poor of the sample quality. Finally, the third explanation is that the crystal structure is not the same. Recently, Lebeugle et al.[28] have prepared a highly pure BFO single crystal (bulk BFO with a rhombohedral R3c symmetry) and measured the spontaneous polarization, they found a very large value of about 100  µC/cm2 [28] which is an intrinsic property of the bulk BFO, as expected by our theoretical studies. CONCLUSIONS In summary, Bismuth ferrite BiFeO3 is one of a few magnetoelectric multiferroics who has simultaneously ferroelectric and ferromagnetic orders, it has seen a considerable increase in interest since the discovery of a high spontaneous polarization. The first principle calculations with our approximations and parameters chosen allowed us to understand and obtain the behaviors of electronic and magnetic properties which make possible the computing of the right band gap and local magnetic moment. The property intrinsic of the large spontaneous electric polarization in bulk BiFe2O3 showed by recently experiment studies was confirmed by our theoretical investigations using the modern theory of polarization. These good agreements between our theoretical investigation and experimental measurement allow the scientific community to compute other properties and understand the physics behind the measurement at the atomic level. References [1]H. Schmid, Multi-ferroic magnetoelectrics, Ferroelectrics, vol. 162, no. 1, pp. 317-338, Jan. 1994. [2]N. A. Hill, Why Are There so Few Magnetic Ferroelectrics?, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 104, no. 29, pp. 6694-6709, Jul. 2000. [3]N. A. Hill, Density Functional Studies of Multiferroic Magnetoelectrics, Annu. Rev. Mater. Res., vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 1-37, Aug. 2002. [4]A. Moreira dos Santos et al., Orbital ordering as the determinant for ferromagnetism in biferroic BiMnO 3, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 66, no. 6, Aug. 2002. [5]J. R. Teague, R. Gerson, and W. J. 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