Thursday, August 29, 2019
Evolution of Aesthetic Medicine and its Implications on... | Bartleby
padding-top-2"> Throughout this century, the term natural beauty has taken a wide variety of definitions. Aesthetic treatments are rapidly becoming socially sought after in large urbanized communities, and this craze is rapidly progressing towards a flawless sales tactic for all cosmetic surgeons and media alikeâ€â€proclaiming that one should invest in themselves. What was once seen as treatment for individuals in dire need is now evolving into a marketable service rendered to those with the means to obtain it. It is clear that demand for aesthetic surgery has skyrocketed in recent years, an increase caused by modern marketing tactics, technological development, as well as the modern idea of individualism and self-expression through artificial body show more content One patient was satisfied with the results, but the other was unsure she wanted to undergo the procedure in the first place. This falls into the human understanding of using stereotypes in order to organize social worlds (Anonymous 2008). Some individuals still have a clouded perception on their motives for undergoing such procedures, and it is not until the damage has been done that feelings of regret occur. Media has created a massive social cult for several years by creating what is seen as the ideal physique, encouraging astray individuals to take extreme measures in order to conform. Another significant factor towards the recent increase of cosmetic surgery procedures is attributed to major technological advancements in recent years. Modern advances in technology have significantly decreased pain level as well as post-operation complications. Cosmetic surgeons are also widely available and offer competitive rates in many urban centers. The repackaging of cosmetic surgery as a business has also allowed for surgeons to advertise, which only adds to a consumer’s temptation. This allows clinics to offer financing and other methods of payment, significantly increasing the accessibility to such services. Advertising campaigns are often aggressive and commission-based, and some firms go as far as offering discounts on multiple procedures. These additional procedures extend the amount of time a patient spends under anesthesia, The Louisiana Purchase: Unconstitutional or Not? Essay | Bartleby padding-top-2"> It seems that since the beginning of history the actions of the government have always been criticized, especially in the sense of public spending. In the case of the Louisiana Purchase many political figures at the time it was created, as well as historians argue whether or not it was in fact a violation of the Constitution or not. This debate is still ongoing, but in order to analyze whether the Louisiana Purchase was unconstitutional or not, one must analyze the sequence of events leading to the acquisition of the territory by the United States. The Louisiana Purchase appeared to be the only solution to the United States anxiety over whether the French would try to control part of the land that many of the colonists were attempting to show more content It seems that since the beginning of history the actions of the government have always been criticized, especially in the sense of public spending. In the case of the Louisiana Purchase many political figures at the time it was created, as well as historians argue whether or not it was in fact a violation of the Constitution or not. This debate is still ongoing, but in order to analyze whether the Louisiana Purchase was unconstitutional or not, one must analyze the sequence of events leading to the acquisition of the territory by the United States. The Louisiana Purchase appeared to be the only solution to the United States anxiety over whether the French would try to control part of the land that many of the colonists were attempting to inhabit. Up through the Seven Years’ War France had claimed and was controlling a large portion of the territory west of the colonies. The French had claimed, by only began to settle in this expanse of land, but Spain soon obtained it through the 1763 Treaty of Paris. The Spanish did not settle this portion of land either. Since the 1780’s many American colonists’ goal was to move westward after the concept spread of Manifest Destiny (in which the colonists believed that it was their God given duty to occupy the land west of the original colonies). President Thomas Jefferson and many other U.S. officials began to become uneasy about the fact that France (who was now under the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte) would try to dominate the land Destiny, Fate and Free Will in Homer's Odyssey -... | Bartleby padding-top-2"> Odysseus’s Fulfills his Destiny in The Odyssey During Odysseus’s journey in The Odyssey, his own guile, the gods’ obstacles and their assistance for him affected his destiny. Odysseus uses his crafty sense of trickery and guile to get out of situations, which allow him to reach his destiny of returning home. Many times in The Odyssey the gods who dislike Odysseus set obstacles to try to stop him from returning home. However, there are gods who favor him and give him assistance to reach his homeland of Ithaca. Odysseus found himself in some dangerous situations during his journey but he was clever enough to think of ways to escape them. For example, when he encountered Polyphemus, Odysseus tricked him when he told show more content Instead of using his guile, Odysseus also has the power to prevent from being beguiled. An example of Odysseus using his power to not be beguiled was when he drank Circe’s potions but nothing happened because of Hermes’ herb. Circe shows her disbelief of Odysseus when she says, "I marvel much that drinking of these drugs you were not charmed. None, no man else, ever withstood these drugs who tasted them, so soon as they had passed the barrier of his teeth; but in your breast there is a mind which cannot be beguiled" (97). Once again Odysseus uses his creative techniques not to be tricked and he turns out safe. By using his guile and other techniques, Odysseus makes it through the gods’ obstacles, which test his destiny. In order for Odysseus to encounter and pursue his destiny, he must be tried and tested by obstacles put forth by gods or their offspring, such as Poseidon, the Sirens, and Polyphemus. One instance of this occurring was when Poseidon sent a storm in an attempt to capsize Odysseus’ boat. Poseidon shows his hate for Odysseus when he says, "I hope to plunge him into sufficient trouble" (50). Poseidon sets forth an obstacle to test Odysseus by making a huge storm in the seas to capsize and break up his boat. Without these obstacles put forth by the gods, Odysseus would have made it home without any trouble. The epithet, "Long-tried The Life of Charlotte Bronte - 798 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> Charlotte went through many crises. Her mother died when she was young, and she had to care for her younger siblings. Bronte could not go to school as a young child like everyone else; she had responsibilities. A few years later as she got older sisters died of tuberculosis, and she was left alone. Charlotte Bronte work tells the story of love, life, and death. Charlotte was born at Thorntorn, Yorkshire in 1816. She was the third daughter of Rev. Bronte and Maria Branwell. Charlotte had two sisters and 1 brother. The Bronte children were all great readers, and since they were isolated children they lived through literary fantasies. Living in their fantasy world the children had vivid imaginations, and they invented role-playing games, at times with the wooden toys, and other times in provisional costumes. Shortly after they were born their mother passed away in 1821. Four years after their mother passed Charlotte’s two sisters died of tuberculosis; they caught it in school. Charlotte Bronte had a really difficult life. She really had no one but her father and brother. Bronte and her brother became really close. Charlotte tried really hard to become successful but yet, she always ended up where she started from. Charlotte began working as a governess in different positions, but none lasted very long. Shortly after she and Emily went to Health Care Professionals Criminal Liability - 1529 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability of Nurses Christopher Ponciano September 27, 2010 Legal Issues in Health Care: Regulation and Compliance (HCS/430) University of Phoenix Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability of Nurses The health care field is a very complex workplace environment and the terminology like malpractice encompasses the negligence of health care professionals. In the past, there is a division that existed between physicians and nurses. Additionally, nurses had very defined framework, in which nurses are to wait after a patient have been seen by doctors and simply implements the physician’s order. In other words, nurses are not to diagnose, treat symptoms, or prescribe medications. In the show more content After the investigation, if the Board determines that the allegations have merit, then the complaint will proceed to an informal hearing. Eventually, the nurse receives a notification in regard to the allegation and the Board will schedule an informal hearing. The Board of Nursing’s attorney, the member of the board, and the nurse are present in the informal hearing. However, if the nurse has retained an attorney, then the attorney will be present during informal hearing. Additionally, before the informal hearing the defendant’s attorney will have the opportunity to discuss the gathered evidence and collect any evidence used during investigation process. The informal hearing starts with the Board of Nursing’s attorney opening statement and the nurse will have an opportunity to present his or her side. After the informal hearing procedure, the board member and the Board of Nursing’s attorney will discuss in private. Disciplinary action and criminal liability. Immediately after the hearing, recommendations are generally made. For example, recommendations can range from dismissal of the complaint, filing a formal charge, or an agreement to negotiate a consent order (Karno, 2005). Under the consent order, the nurse waives his or her rights to contest on the charged allegations or simply seek a review under administrative order. In addition, under consent order gives the nurse and his or her attorney the leverage to control any Fight Obesity With Diet and Exercise Essay - 899 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> As humans we are available to a mass assortment of foods that help us survive. These foods provide our bodies with nutrients to remain healthy and calories for energy. If we take in more calories than we burn off, the food then gets stored in our bodies as fat. If this happens regularly there is potential of becoming obese. Obesity means having excessive amounts of fat on the body. Obesity is the second leading cause, behind tobacco, of preventable deaths in the United States. More than half of Americans are overweight and almost one third are obese. There are abundant reasons people become obese including: emotions, genes, sex, age, and many others. There are also several ways to tell if a person is overweight or obese. Lastly there show more content Other eating disorders such as binge eating or bulimia may be associated with obesity. How can you tell if you are overweight or obese? There are a few ways to tell if you are obese, one being checking your body fat percentage. Many health professionals agree that men with more than 25% fat and women with more than 30% fat are considered obese. It is difficult to measure body fat percentage accurately. The methods used at health clubs and weight loss programs may not be accurate if done improperly, therefore special equipment is needed that is not found in many medical offices. People who gain weight around their waist have a higher risk of obesity-related health problems. Women with a waist size greater than 35 inches and men with a waist size greater than 40 inches are at higher health risk. Lastly, and the most effective way to tell if you are obese is by the body mass index or BMI. The BMI is used to check your weight relative to your height and is calculated by weight in pounds and height in inches. Body mass index is much like the body fat percentage but much easier to calculate. Being so much easier to calculate several care providers use it to identify obesity. To calculate your body mass index you must first multiply your weight by 705. Next, take that answer and divide it by your height in inches. Now take the current number and divide it by you height in inches once again. After the three steps are done you are left with your BMI. If your Essay about Oedipus the King and Oedipus Complex - 612 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> Oedipus Rex, is a Sophocles play, that according to Freud exemplifies a formative stage in a individuals psychosexual development. The psychosexual stages are the age related developmental periods in which sexual impulses are exerted through different bodily zones and then activities are associated with those areas in the bodily zones. These is when a young child will transfer his love object from the breast to the mother. When the child gives up the breast and moves to the mother it is known as the oral phase. The child then has the sexual desire for the opposite sex parent and will usually have hostility towards the same sex parent. During this time, the child will have a secret desire to show more content The boy then feels hostility and jealously towards his father, but then will come to realize that his father is much more powerful then he is. Freud says, â€Å" the boy will then experience castration anxiety which is the fear that his father will punish him by castration (Freud, 1993) .†Fixation at a particular stage may result If the developmental conflicts are not successfully resolved. He figured if this feelings were not successfully resolved then they would contribute to neuroses in later life. The only way anyone could resolve the Oedipus Complex and the anxieties from the complex , the boy ultimately will join force with the enemy by resorting to the defense mechanism of identification. Identification is a psychoanalytic theory that involves the ability to reduce the anxiety by imitating the behavior and characteristics of one individual. For instance, he would most likely imitate his fathers values, attitude and mannerisms. Girls ar e another way in which the Oedipus Complex could be resolved because girls usually identify with the same sex parent and then they develop a strong superego against urges. Freud considered this complex is be the cornerstone of superego and the nucleus of all human relationships. Oedipus in a way had this Oedipus Complex because
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